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Everything posted by phelps

  1. I didn't make any count, but it should be correct
  2. 3 classes have already finished their preliminary races and from tomorrow they will be divided into gold/silver/bronze fleet, with only those on the gold fleet competing for the medals and the Olympic Quota Places the situation so far... men's Skiff (49er), 10 OQP available, 9 races completed, 6 to go before the medal race 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. everything still very open, even if and look to be the clear favourite for gold and silver and the top 7 have built quite some margin over the rest of the fleet for the medal race and the OQPs women's Skiff (49er FX), 10 OQP available, 9 races completed, 6 to go before the medal race 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. already with the gold medal in their hands, and look to have a slight advantage over the rest of the field for the "minor" medals and then we have a fleet divided into more small groups with a hole in between them (5th to 9th, 10th to 13th, 14th to 17th) but all of them still fighting for the last OQPs those from the 20th place on, look to be already out of contention for all the targets mixed Multihull (Nacra 17), 9 OQP available, 9 races completed, 6 to go before the medal race 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (8. ) 9. 10. are back to their usual dominant form (they've won all the races but 1 -when they were 2nd- so far) and are likely to win another world title look strong and have a small margin over in the fight for silver and bronze and are also still in contention for the medals and all the top 5 look safe for the OQP the remaining 4 OQPs should go to those currently placed up to the 10th place, with only still having a remote chance to make the medal race, but it's a big if, as they are already 11 points behind and have the 3rd Italian crew (2020 world champions Bissaro/Frascari) in between the next eligible crew are already 31 points off the current 10th place
  3. it might become even worse... in 2016 had the no.1 and no.2 in the world ranking in women's epee (Fiamingo and Navarria), but since we missed out on the team qualification, only 1 of the 2 girls could participate to those Games (Fiamingo, who won the silver medal)
  4. I see that disaster coming in 3, 2, 1... frankly, I don't understand and I will never understand the criteria the Italian team use to select the members of their team in the equestrian sports
  5. I only watched the last 20 kms or so, but I don't think that it was Milesi's fault for not chasing properly the Frenchman apart for the fact that he was also cooked in the last couple of laps (at least, that's what he said), imho it was the Portuguese and above all the Briton that didn't race a single meter in front of the chasing group, it was always Milesi and Svrcek (and a solo attempt by the German, who was also quite out of shape in the final kms and in fact he was caught quickly when he tried to escape) if Svrcek was so strong in the final lap, why he didn't try to escape by himself? imho, Milesi was even too honest trying to keep the small group going together with the Slovak, he shouldn't have gone a single meter in front given what the guys from POR and GBR did
  6. the big winner of the championship, then for some kind of consolation in the speed discipline, but we're now totally out of the places that really matter in the "true" sport climbing events
  7. that's even worse, then he's double, triple stupid just a big cheater (with no brain), no mercy for that kind of people
  8. ps please, don't tell me that in the top 4 would be a big surprise if we look at how's the situation of all the teams we have to face en route to reach that target (basically, to avoid the in QTFs first and then or in the actual QTFs) oh, f*ck! I wrote it! just jinxed our (slim) hope!
  9. Galossi DNS over 400m free after yesterday's epic fail over 200m
  10. Bottazzo 30.0 once again in prelims and way worse in the decisive race not a winning attitude by our newest breastroke specialist
  11. in this case it wouldn't change anything, as he's got caught thanks an out-of-competition test
  12. SVT Play (SVT2, Swedish TV) is live from 1.50 p.m.
  13. or Sanders might improve massively, I think she has quite some margin is lead
  14. poor bouldering cost her a quota place, but I'm sure she'll get it later in the process Janja
  15. (NZ VPN needed) (registration needed, I don't know if also an AUS VPN is required)
  16. under a sport-only related point of view, Oceania shouldn't exist as a standalone Continent, they should be just part of Asia always and forever
  17. it's more complicated than that the fact that the public auction went empty is not a bad thing in itself now the organizing committee has free hands to call whoever they want, even a different company from abroad and not being stuck with the idiots that built the Cesana Track on a totally wrong project unfortunately, it's also true that time is closing down and most likely there won't be any track in Cortina and the Olympic events will be held in Skt. Moritz
  18. sure! US doctors and managers (but it's the same for the Europeans taking advantage of the Africans in distance running), but an athlete coming from a small Nation with no other chance to improve his life (and his family's) than succeding in sport that's the perfect combination
  19. you know, when something goes wrong in "that" department (especially in the year before the olympics, whan all the new weapons have to be tested), the "minor injury" thing is always an excellent excuse (for those who want to trust that)
  20. he can say whatever he wants... if there were still residuals of that super-forbidden product in his body, the only explaination is that he took that and his body didn't eliminate it in full before the doping test and it's not something you can find as a supplement in common integrators, it's an experimental product that's been abandoned by the regular medicine because it's been proved as highly dangerous (cancerous) in the tests on mice and it's no longer allowed to human beings p.s. it's the same product that cost a 3-year ban to Nijel Amos...and I'm sure it's widely spread in 3rd world countries, where doctors with no mercy don't make any moral consideration before putting the health of the people at risk in the name of making money, money, money
  21. super-Pippo Remco today was just superior, but great race by our superstar nice 8th place also for Cattaneo
  22. Individual Ranking after Dressage 1. Michael Jung 19.4 2. Rosalind Carter 21.3 3. Tom McEwen 22.0 4. Laura Collett 22.4 5. Yasmin Ingham 23.4 6. Tom Jackson 25.7 7. Jerome Robine 26.0 8. Karin Donckers 26.5
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