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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. When the men's world rankings are announced on Monday New Zealand will not #1 for the first time since November 2009.
  2. Correct. The women's rugby team suffered the same disppapointment for Rio.
  3. That hairstyle is what happens when you start taking drugs...
  4. There's something slightly sad about coming from a country whose national food is cheese on toast with beer...
  5. Thanks. I wasn't sure if all the divisions were going down to 8 or just the superleague.
  6. How many teams will be in the 1st league next time. 8 or 12?
  7. Ireland got 9 points, Turkey 11, Netherlands 10 in 4 x 400. Now I'm very confused
  9. Back in 2006-7 Hamilton was utterly brilliant
  10. Bernal wins, Pinot beats Thomas, Landa, Alaphillipe and Kruiswijk to second....
  11. Detroit has the record for most unsuccessful Olympic bids. Played 8 Lost 8
  12. In the UK Millennials are those between 1980 and 1996. From 1997 they are Generation Z And no, I don't understand it either
  13. I was lucky. The captain was Paolo Radmillovic Both his father and grandfather were called Antun although tecnically they didn't have middle names. The greatest Welsh / Croatian / Irish sportsman ever. Now how difficult do you want your questions?
  14. Has there ever been a swim off in the 1500 metres?
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