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Everything posted by Jinzha

  1. I had the same picks as Phelps for the mixed relay medals. Maybe Norway, Australia or South Africa could overtake the US for bronze. As for Dutch triathletes: Rachel Klamer has been consistently top 10 in the world triathlon series for multiple years now, but never quite reaching that top 3. Kingma has mostly finished behind her, but this year she has suddenly taken a win and a podium in the world series. They could both be capable of a top 10 finish in Tokyo, but I don't expect any medals. Triathlon is an amazing sport that a lot of amateurs practice, but that really doesn't translate to any popularity for the elite level. Klamer finished 10th in Rio 2016, but I doubt many casual sports followers in the Netherlands know about her.
  2. The final qualification tournament for beach volleyball and baseball are also 23-26th June.
  3. I know you're exaggerating. But has Bol even faced the American 400mH runners once? I'm still not sure if she can even medal, because I never see the Americans run. And Hassan vs Gidey definitely isn't a clearcut gold either. Even if she is our best chance. If we get 1 gold in athletics I'll be happy honestly. 2 silvers or bronzes, happy as well!
  4. Well that's a bummer, I was still busy being happy for Hassan!
  5. De wereldbeker roeien was ik alweer vergeten inderdaad. Ook geen gekke resultaten daar. En een 'nieuwe generatie' volleybaldames doet ook mooie ervaring op in de Volleyball Nations League. Ze winnen nog verrassend veel, ookal zijn het vast niet de beste selecties van andere landen. En voor de Handbaldames is het nogal een onrustige voorbereiding inderdaad. Van Groot's blessure had ik nog niet eens gehoord. Zijn er nog meer voorbereidingswedstrijden gepland voor Tokyo? Ik zou de opstelling niet eens meer weten na de vele wisselingen en blessures.
  6. Twee verrassende wereldbeker overwinningen vandaag met Brouwer/Meeuwsen en Maya Kingma. En dan nog die ongelofelijke 10km van Hassan!
  7. Incredible world record by Hassan! Rarely see her so happy after a race
  8. So Varenhorst/Van de Velde needed a 3rd place finish in the 4* tournament in Ostrava this weekend to qualify for Tokyo by ranking. Last week they showed that they are capable of a top 3 finish. Earlier today they beat favorites Mol/Sorum in the RO16. And then they lost to their own countrymen Brouwer/Meeuwsen in the QF! Just when I started to be hopeful.
  9. I'm a bit late, but definitely a great poll! 1.Which are the 3 events ( team or individual sports) you are looking forward to watch the most? Athletics (all events), mountainbiking and track cycling (esp. men's team sprint!) 2.If you were asked to support 3 other nations at the Olympics apart from your own, what would they be? Italy and France mostly, I guess I'll pick for the third. 3.Who are your 3 favourite all time Olympians? Dutch: Pieter van den Hoogenband (swimming), Epke Zonderland (gymnastics) and Ireen Wust (speed skating). If non-Olympian athletes also counted, I would've gone with Arjen Robben (cutting inside) as well. International: Eliud Kipchoge (marathon), Nafissatou Thiam (heptathlon) and Kevin Mayer (decathlon)
  10. Might even be examples of same-sex couples participating versus each other. I know some Dutch women's football teams have partners from different nationalities that are also active players.
  11. Yeah it's weird that some of our most important players are now in the senior team (or injured). That's probably the case for many countries. At least we still beat France! Already an impressive result for this tournament!
  12. Anyone read enough paparazzi media to know which medal contenders are in relationships together? I can imagine there will be couples that both win medals though. Probably even multiple. And for 1: Kiran Badloe about to win RS:X gold before you can say Medal race out loud
  13. Interesting poll! I agree with @LDOG that athletes from smaller NOC's are impacted more by covid restrictions, so I don't necessarily expect a greater variety of medal winners. I went for the Naomi Osaka option. The medal table questions about Russia and Austria I wasn't quite sure about. I don't exactly know all the sports, I just hope both will prove to be false. And I hope #6 will be true of course, but that's a bit too optimistic for me.
  14. Ahh that's easier than expected! Here I was looking for shady online streams, when BBC2 is right there on tv. Thanks.
  15. Just opened the thread to ask the same question @heywoodu already did. I found an official youtube stream, but it is 'not available in my country'.
  16. I don't mind precision sports like archery, curling or darts, even if I don't enjoy (watching) them personally. This might be a reach and a controversial one at that, but my reasoning is: the Olympics is also about inspiring a generation and no child should be inspired to take up shooting firearms, unless they are enrolled in a police academy or the army. I know that stuff like archery bows and even javelins are also weapons in essence, but that's a very different story to me. In the same argument I don't mind at all if kids are inspired to take up and strive for excellence in other 'controversial' Olympic sports like skateboarding, artistic swimming or breakdancing.
  17. Other for me: shooting. I see absolutely no merit in shooting guns as an Olympic discipline, I don't even consider it a sport really. I was surprised it wasn't on the list.
  18. Big disappointment for Toussaint, thats got to be rough to go from a silver to 4th
  19. I feel this! So many names, disciplines and times to remember! I only caught the relays tonight. We're so reliant on Kromowidjojo and Heemskerk on the women's side, but they got really close in the end. And apparently an OQ for the men.
  20. With each successive poll I realise that I really only know the Dutch chances in a specific event. I rarely have a clue who exactly the other nations are that they're supposed to have a chance against. It does seem like a typically Brittish move to win both the coxless four and the quadruple sculls, so after them and the two Dutch boats (I don't think the men's pair is a candidate) I had to resort to guesses once more.
  21. Tokyo really does come one year too late for Van der Poel... Great showing by Pidcock! What a crazy good generation of riders has entered the sport in the past few years. Pogacar, Pidcock, Evenepoel, Bernal and just a few years older Van der Poel and Van Aert. And on the women's side Lecomte and Batten have also gone straight from the U23s to consecutive World Cup wins/podiums.
  22. Race is still underway, but so far Pidcock is up in front and Dascalu is in top 24. Pidcock and Van der Poel are really cycling aliens!
  23. Incredibly dominant by Lecomte! And Batten in 2nd again. These young ladies are the real deal for Tokyo! Good to see Neff back in the top 10 as well.
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