For me it would be Sjinkie Knegt as well, I've got lots of respect for him as an athlete and person.
Another medal for Wüst or Kramer on their final Games would also be very special. They have been the face of speed skating ever since I started watching sports. It's going to be weird without them.
I find these short course races a lot harder to watch. Because relatively more of the race happens underwater probably?
Some decent relay results from the team, but it looks like we still rely mostly on Kromowidjojo. One of my favorite athletes of the past decade and she can retire with an incredible legacy. Which she probably will after this tournament.
You never know, I thought 'our' Van der Poel was a strong medal chance in Tokyo and all he won was a new back injury
But you're absolutely right of course! And it's interesting to hear these Games could be a record amount of gold for Sweden.
A sportsman of the year award for Verstappen feels so wrong to me, but it's inevitable now. I'd much rather see Lavreysen win it personally.
I feel like Meuwly also has a chance for the coach of the year. The track relay teams have had a really good showing this year at the indoor Euros, Worls Relays and the Olympics. And both of the 400m teams are a good media presence as well.
The other categories are lock-ins I agree.
Only during international volleyball and handball tournaments I wish I had the Ziggo Sports tv channels. Going to be a tense and really tough game vs for us tomorrow
These scores in the preliminary group are a bit ridiculous aren't they...
55 - 15
17 - 58
Watch us instantly lose the next match versus proper competition on tuesday
Heel herkenbaar! Ik ben niet zo'n wintersporter, dus ik moet ook altijd even inkomen met schaatsen. Laatste tijd vooral de shorttrack wereldbekers en voetbal gekeken. En F1 negeer ik inderdaad ook volledig.
Kimmann en de 4x400m zijn voor mij ook echt de twee hoogtepunten van de Spelen. En twee andere momenten waar ik nog aan terug denk zijn de handboogschutters en Dumoulin. Prachtig spannende momenten 's ochtends met ontbijt op de bank. En 's nachts de wekker voor Femke Bol was ook erg memorabel.
Zoals ik al zei begin ik het schaatsen vaak pas laat in een seizoen beter te volgen. Ik kijk nu ook wel uit naar het WK handbal.
Tijd geleden dat ik hier op het forum was. Na de Zomerspelen is mijn sportzomer altijd weer even gestild moet ik zeggen. Maar wat was het mooi!
Hebben jullie de afgelopen maanden nog bijzondere sportmomenten gezien? En waar kijken jullie de komende periode naar uit? Tot de Winterspelen zeg maar.
And in a video on TeamNL's youtube channel I heard that they were already on the plane back home the same night or maybe the morning after, with the Argentinian team on the same plane.
I agree, the international nature of the forum is what appeals to me. I love reading about what Irish, Greek, Polish, Brazilian, Italian, etc, etc. athletes achieve!
I already have savings put apart to go to Paris 2024! I'm honestly just as worried about getting a place to stay as getting tickets. Surely every apartment/airbnb and even hotel will be sold out in 2023 already.
So I made in my prediction a range from pessimistic to optimistic. Turns out I wasn't optimistic enough after all!
Update of my prediction from earlier this year:
Archery: 0-1 -> 1
Athletics: 0-3 -> 8
Cycling road: 2-3 -> 4
Cycling track: 3-5 -> 6
BMX: 1-2 -> 2
Mountainbike: 1 -> 0
Field hockey: 1-2 -> 1
Artistic gymnastics: 0 -> 0
Handball: 0 -> 0
Judo: 1-2 -> 1
Rowing: 3-5 -> 5
Sailing: 3-4 -> 3
Swimming: 0-3 -> 3
Suprise medal: 1-3 -> 2
Total: 16-34 -> 36
Only one medal below the pessimistic range, because I foolishly put Van der Poel as a guaranteed medal and not Bol or Hassan. From the optimistic ranges only men's hockey team, a judo medal and one more sailing medal (De Geus in RS:X women) missed out. The surprise medals happened mostly within the already mentioned sports, but the two missing from the list were Fontijn (boxing) and Van der Vleuten (horse jumping).
The 8 athletics medals are the huge outlier that I did not predict and in road and track cycling I had not considered medals for Dumoulin and Braspenninx.
Will Europe have 4 quotas because France gets a guaranteed slot? Or will there be only 2 other quotas available? That's going to be a very fierce battle to even reach the Olympics.
You know, I really agree with you here. I love that we're getting huge amounts of medals, but in the end medal factories like rowing, sailing and track cycling don't have anywhere near the societal impact and involvement as big team sports like football and field hockey (at least for the Dutch). I hope we keep funding team sports and hopefully our 2008 women's water polo will get a successor soon with another team gold by someone other than the women hockey team.
I wonder how much France will improve in swimming. They recently signed Dutch coach Jacco Verhaeren. He had various roles as a coach and technical director in Dutch swimming from roughly 2000 to 2014 (Van den Hoogenband, De Bruijn, Kromowidjojo, etc.) and then joined the Australian swimming team which was super succesful these games. I believe he's one of the best Dutch coaches/managers in sports in general!
Tomorrow is a huge day for the Netherlands actually!
Field hockey women final
Track cycling men sprint final
Track cycling women madison
Athletics 1500m final (Hassan)
Boxing semi final (Fontijn)
Other than that, it's mostly track cycling yeah
Edit: individual sprint of course, not team sprint.