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Everything posted by RobtheAggie

  1. Khaliullina with a 20/20 race. Great shooting and skiing. Up by over 1:15! Tordorova of has missed 3 but only 1:24 behind coming out of the last shoot, that is really fast skiing.
  2. Baserga with two misses and still manages to ski faster than most of the girls. She still might win the race. I know that only 10 are in right now, but few are faster on the skis than her. She skied about 32 seconds faster than current #2 Comola.
  3. Thanks, I figured only sickness would have kept her out.
  4. Very interesting to see the difference in ski speed at this level.
  5. Some of the bigger named junior men did not have the best of days. Hartweg (SUI) 15th, Cisar (SLO) 16th, and Bourgeois Republic (FRA) 65th. Only one clean shoot on the day, and it went to Barchewitz of GER who won. As an aside, does anyone know why Slettemark did not start Saurday's Youth Individual?
  6. Any streams for the races? I can not find any info on the IBU website.
  7. The body has been discovered 2 km downstream. Just sad. The other bodies have yet to be found.
  8. Good to see Vittozzi with a good result.
  9. Fabien Claude talks about his missing dad. What a sad story.
  10. Good catch. The tracks would be amazing to hold up after that.
  11. Swiss team: Junior Men (1998 – 2000) Laurin Fravi (Bual Lantsch) Niklas Hartweg (Einsiedeln) Nico Salutt (Sarsura Zernez) Sebastian Stalder (Am Bachtel) Junior Women (1998 – 2000) Flavia Barmettler (Schwendi-Langis) Amy Baserga (Einsiedeln) Elena Häfliger (Schwendi-Langis) Aline König (Riehen) Youth men (2001 – 2003) Valentin Dauphin (Bex) Samuel Kägi (Gotthard-Andermatt) Yanis Keller (Einsiedeln) Simon Zberg (Schwendi-Langis) Youth women (2001 – 2003) Yara Burkhalter (Zweisimmen) Seraina König (Riehen) Lea Meier (Davos) Marlene Perren (Davos)
  12. 16 races that start this weekend. Are we going to have a seperate thread or keep it in this one? The big question is can the Swiss perform well at home? Their Jr and Youth teams have done very well so far this season.
  13. [hide] ation Captains FIN Kaisa Makarainen NOR JT Boe Nation Women ITL Dorothea Wierer SWI Elisa Gasparin USA Claire Egan Nor T Eckhoff Nation Men FRA Martin Fourcade GER B Doll SWE Sebastian Samuelsson USA Sean Doherty [hide]
  14. A very helpful person at IBU sent me the information on the licenses. It is very interesting. I am not sure if a moderator wants to pull all of the venue/licensing talk into another thread, but I will leave that up to smarter people than myself. A license is for 6 years, but can be pulled at any time by the IBU. There are currently 23 venues that have a Class A license with 4 in what is called "prolongation" There are currently 21 venues with a Class B license with 5 in the process of prolongation. Some names are familiar, others are not. There will be public documents that will come out within the next month or so, but let me say I was surprised by some of the names on the list. The IBU has has that I not share the names until the public documents come out, sorry. But if you asked me questions, I might be able to answer them.
  15. One more thing that I found. The IBU has a document that mentions dates for bids to host events. It is right here.
  16. Thanks for the update, that picture looks great. Too bad the snow did not work out. As an aside, the Eurosport announcers apologized for misspeaking about not enough snow and the WC being moved. I think that they read this thread
  17. From what I have been able to glean from the document I linked, there looks to be non biathlon things at play as well. Hotels seem to matter. So the A is not just do you have all of your competition ducks in a row, but can your community host the event. Is there a plan to host all the spectators, as well as staff and athletes.
  18. I did not know all of this, thanks. Fort Kent hosted a WC stop a few years ago, there is some interesting footage of NBA star Scottie Pippen (think 2nd fiddle to Michael Jordan) walking around looking really cold available on Youtube of the event. Lake Placid is hosting the World University Games in a few years, so I wonder if an A is required for that, I doubt it. I have contacted the IBU to see if they will release a list and requirements. It does not hurt to ask. I will let everyone know what the results are. I did find this feasibility study of Mammoth, CA looking into building a Biathlon and Nordic Skiing arena. The biathlon information starts on page 20.
  19. The German squad sure has changed. Imagine two years ago a German team without Schemp, Lesser and the golden girl. Crazy how quick fortunes can change. I wonder his rested Boe will be when he comes back. He was that much quicker when he was tired. That is unless he is staying up to help with the baby.
  20. They could try the handicaped type race. Were the top 30 qualify and the one who was last in the sprint goes first at set times. That way, in theory, all 30 would cross the finish line at the same time. I think it could be a really interesting race to watch.
  21. I still like the pursuit. But I agree it could be better. Possibilities include cutting the gap in half, or cutting the points in half that are awarded.
  22. Thank you so much. I wonder here and n the US if Fort Kent still has an A. Lake Placid and Valcartier in Canada might as well. I would assume that Jericho, Bozeman, West Yellowstone, and Auburn, Can have a B. There are a few note that if there is a C, they would have that. Canada has around a dozen or so that host local to national events. I wonder if Nagano has kept their venue up? Also Beijing, (I forgot the actual name) would need to be A when it is finished. I appreciate the list a lot.
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