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Everything posted by RobtheAggie

  1. Para world championships canceled in Ostersund due to Covid 19.
  2. I think the last WC event to be cancelled, not moved was out in Russia and a light pole fell over due to high wind.
  3. I think so. If you watch this, you will see how they make these decisions. Start around 2:25 for specific moments about IBU WC events. The entire clip is pretty good.
  4. Men's big globe (with two worst removed): Fourcade 797 Fillon - Maillet - 753 JTB - 810 Women's big globe (with two worst removed): Wierer 741 Eckhoff 707 Oeberg 705. Conspiracy theory alert - if JTB and Eckhoff are ahead after Kontiolahti , Oslo gets cancelled and both Norwegians win! - Not that I believe it, but I could see people saying this.
  5. All is not well with Biathlon Canada. One of the important biathlon sites in Alberta, not Canmore, but close to it, will not longer be groomed.
  6. The schedule has changed: "The sprint competitions will now be held on Thursday (instead of Saturday) to guarantee that the individual starts are held as soon as possible. The competition jury will convene again tomorrow and decide about the further programme of the JOECH. A single mixed relay and mixed relay as well as a pursuit are originally also scheduled over the upcoming days."
  7. Per announcement on the IBU website, Oslo might not happen.
  8. In Vegas, there is an over/under on everything. I guess it would be more of a prop bet. I do not bet, but I would imagine there could be a ton of those in Biathlon. Who is the first to drop a ski pole, how many spare rounds will so and so use, which team will enter the range in what position and melt-down the most ...
  9. Congrats to all for a successful IBU Cup season. It was nice to see Vinny Fountain, the US citizen who skis for the UK compete. Lots of fun to follow the IBU Cup and see biathletes whose goals are so very different than those who race on the WC stage. Congrats to all and until next season ...
  10. I wonder if there is an over/under on this event happening? I know the US is not sending a team, with the possible exception of Cervenka who was the only US skier last week in Arber. He trains in Nova Mesto so was already in Europe, where the rest of the team would have flown over. He did a good job last week with a 2nd place in the Sprint. I look for Swiss wins here.
  11. Are the Italians racing in the last two events? WINTER SPORTS The Italian Winters Sports Federation (FISI) suspended all activity across its disciplines, including skiing, snowboarding and biathlon.
  12. It was really funny to see people popping their heads through tree's etc in Nove Mesto.
  13. Oops, poor skis for France. I hate when my brain and fingers do not match! The US also had a really hard time getting good skis as well this week. Anyone know if Finllnd and Norway will have fans in attendance or will they be closed to the public as well.
  14. Great skis for Norway, and poor skis for Norway. It is amazing how much of a difference they make.
  15. US women had 3 in the top 35, with Joanne Reid 0-0 and 29th. Not too bad. But results like that show how inconstant Susan Dunklee is.
  16. No snow, no crowd ... this is going to be a really odd week to watch.
  17. I agree that the economy is going to take a massive hit. When I said I understand, that does not mean that I agree. I think that this is one of those no win situations. If you have the event like normal, people get mad at the Czech federation being irresponsible. If you do not host it, people say that you are caving to the fear mongering. So this seems to be the middle course. There is a chance there in the US that March Maddness will be held without fans in attendance. That would be huge.
  18. US is not sending a Junior team to the next two events. IBU Junior Cup in Arber this week and IBU Junior Open European Championship in Hochfilzen next week.
  19. I can understand the decision, but that is going to be really odd to have Nova Mesto quiet.
  20. Here is the IBU release. Near the bottom of the 4th paragraph is a key statement where they anticipate some changes to the calendar.
  21. US lapped in both relays yesterday. Ouch! I do not remember the last time that happened. At least the men, two of whom did not race due to being lapped, should be well rested for Saturday.
  22. I like this event. I have always been a sucker for the little guy. This event is that. Yes Germany, Norway, etc are there, but there are over 30 nationalities racing. Here is to the little guy!
  23. So the IBU has now stated that they did not ask the Italian Police to raid Loginov's hotel room. In a survey by 60% of those surveyed think that Loginov will retire at the end of the season.
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