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  1. Past hour
  2. Martinez needs to immediately replace Ronaldo and substitute hin with Ramos or Jota
  3. The results of Navarria and Fiamingo recently are becoming more and more irritating... In addition Fiamingo will probably fail in the team again.
  4. Same feeling as many Portuguese actually, not really be star of mannerisms, we all love him, but because…. enough is enough. Time to retire
  5. Dzemesh have a 10m air pistol quota, obtained in Final Olympic Qualification Championship. The qualification system does not have rule for the reallocation of quotas from the Final Olympic Qualification Championship, since it does not have the status of the World Championship and the Continental Championship. If the quota will be reallocated in the same Final Qualification Championship to the next athlete, quota will go to If by Olympic Ranking to If by Olympic Ranking to NOC with no quota at same event, will go to If by Olympic Ranking to NOC with no quota in shooting, will go to
  6. men's Individual Foil Gold: Tommaso Marini Silver: Alessio Foconi Bronze: Maxime Pauty & Alexander Choupenitch Semifinals Foconi b. Pauty 15-7 Marini b. Choupenitch 15-11 Final Marini b. Foconi 15-4 Full Ranking & Results
  7. And high jumper Maryia Zhodzik from Belarus is allowed to represent Poland in Paris. She is qualified by entry standard, jumped 1.97. Her name is on the Road To Paris WA list now.
  8. women's Individual Epee Gold: Irina Embrich Silver: Auriane Mallo-Breton Bronze: Angeline Favre & Alberta Santuccio Semifinals Mallo-Breton b. Favre 15-14 Embrich b. Santuccio 15-12 Final Embrich b. Mallo-Breton 15-12 Full Ranking & Results
  9. Day #2 Finals women's 200m Backstroke Camila Rebelo, 2.08.95 Dora Molnar, 2.09.02 Eszter Szabo-Feltothy, 2.09.21 men's 50m Fly Stergios Marios Bilas, 23.15 Simon Bucher, 23.19 Daniel Gracik, 23.26 women's 100m Freestyle Barbora Seemanova, 53.50 Barbora Janickova, 54.17 Nikolett Padar, 54.22 men's 100m Breaststroke Melvin Athohame Michael Imoudou, 58.84 Berkay Omer Ogretir, 59.23 Andrius Sidlauskas, 59.27 women's 800m Freestyle Ajna Kesely, 8.29.96 Fleur Lewis, 8.33.54 Deniz Ertan, 8.34.31 mixed 4*100m Medley Relay 3.45.74 3.48.12 3.48.79
  10. Amazing how the Czechs got Leipzig as the venue of their match, the city almost on the cze-ger borders Not sure if it was pure luck or some backstage agreement
  11. Dutch could get a really solid gold count (pushing towards 10) from rowing and track/ road cycling… but will leave it to more familiar users on sports beyond these two.
  12. They can both win medals and we can all feel justified in our opinions 😅
  13. I mostly hope if Portugal scores, it won't be him, not sure I can stand his mannerisms one second longer
  14. Well, Ronaldo is playing…. Hopefully he won’t be too much of a burden for us today
  15. Well, it seems no one noticed, but Krzysztof Chmielewski (try to read as: Kshyshtof Khmielevski) has qualified for 800m freestyle during the European Championships (7:50:51):
  16. Today
  17. 43 years (and 11 months) old Embrich wins the individual title... it might be a record for the European championships.
  18. 47.33 for Maxime Grousset in the men’s 100m freestyle at the French Olympic Trials, for a new PB!
  19. le 4éme serait Guillaume Guth , peut être iront'ils a 6 relayeurs ?? la réponse en fin de semaine
  20. My congratulations! I strongly believed that these reallocations would happen. And this came true.
  21. Are we really on course for around 300 universality places or will they get filtered somehow?
  22. Вони і декларації всі підписували, і на що завгодно були готові, щоб їхати. Тому борці точно у них всі поїдуть. Хіба, якщо МОК ще надумає когось забанити, хоч це теж навряд вже.
  23. Let me add some chaos to the reallocations. Who gets the quota of Dzemesh in M25m if he will be declared ineligible? Or may be belorussians have alternative entry?
  24. Neither is Canada winning 30 medals, and 10 golds, but I don’t see it happening Obviously you would know more about me regarding Dutch Olympic medal prospects, but I’d think that the performances from your athletes throughout the last quad are suggesting it’s highly unlikely to happen (at least according to the other Dutch users on the forum)
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