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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Oh right, voting. I have absolutely no idea yet, although in an online 'test' 50PLUS (sort of a senior party ) scored at 86% in terms of things I agree with With the rest following from 60% and less
  2. I feel like this is just repeating news, because there's just so much
  3. And rightfully so. Come on, the whole Viviani/Sabatini thing is just painful to watch.
  4. Viviani and Sabatini are so bad together this Giro. Where are Morkov and Richeze?
  5. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi (30) - 118 7. Giulio Ciccone (31) - 149 8. Arnaud Demare (6) - 155 9. Primoz Roglic (1) - 156 10. Jakub Mareczko (158) - 314 11. Giacomo Nizzolo
  6. Why is the organization doing this to us? At least it's not a short and completely boring route like it's a long and completely boring route That palace where they start is alright, there's maybe one or two interesting sights in 200km of riding and then a finish, 1% rise in the last kilometer Excellent day to do *insertanyrandomthing* until the last 3km
  7. Now things are getting interesting (ok not yet, but with the Winter Olympic Games 2022 team sizes thread being opened I can hardly hide my excitement )
  8. Wow, a Kenyan competing for Bahrain getting caught. Totally didn't expect that to happen, did we, Ruth Jebet?
  9. One can scrap Azerbaijan from the list of countries to host major events. Well, not really because money, but they should.
  10. Demare wins, helped by a major fall right before the sprint. Ackermann went down hard. He got back on his bike and seems to be relatively alright, but he's gonna have one shitty shower.
  11. What is '300 hours worth of days'? Why not just call in 12,5 days?
  12. Netherlands - Brazil in the same week in the same venue as last year, too bad my girlfriend arrives a week later this time...not much fun going to - without someone cheering for the opposing team
  13. Excellent plan. I'd like to read about athletics and swimming, but don't feel like having to work through pages and pages filled with sports I (in this case) don't much care about in order to do so
  14. Semenya will run the 3000m at the DL in Stanford on 30 June, against among others Sifan Hassan, Almaz Ayana, Genzebe Dibaba and Hellen Obiri.
  15. This is a perfect day to miss out by the looks of it. Come on, right after a rest day you're giving them 145km of completely flat, completely boring stage?
  16. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi (30) - 118 7. Giulio Ciccone (31) - 149 8. Arnaud Demare (6) - 155 9. Primoz Roglic (1) - 156 10. Jakub Mareczko
  17. It's gonna be a bad, bad day in the south of the US today.
  18. Just to clarify and (as always) bring in some nuance It's not like every Huawei phone can not use anything from Google anymore.
  19. In Madonna's case you can just see it is absolutely attentionwhoring though. Which is basically the way she comes across in a nutshell.
  20. That was awful by Yates. Time to give him a few days of rest and let Adam ride again.
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