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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The referee wants to go to bed, but adding a realistic number of minutes would mean he's still not in his hotel tomorrow morning
  2. What would you people do if you were Modric? Take the first penalty or not? After missing one to basically decide the match. Hard decision
  3. Because it was an attempt to reach the ball.
  4. And still the referee ended the game after 93 minutes already
  5. Yeah because penalties are always the surefire way for teams to either lose or win and it's never anything like a lottery
  6. One might say your media is just as good in basketball as your national team then
  7. Kovacic is not using that right arm for some time.
  8. Drink break, I may assume we're going to 10 minutes of added time?
  9. If I'm not mistaken, you're already out for the final if your country reaches the semi or even quarter finals (no matter the result in that match) so that would have been impossible
  10. Well, considering Croatia had a part in Argentina's elimination, the referee might indeed want to give Croatia some advantages as 'thank you' (since of course a referee from country A wants the team from country A to be out as fast as possible).
  11. Common sense would suggest a prediction contest-like contest falls under prediction contests
  12. Right, finished my shower. Missed anything?
  13. And it's the Tour de France, which at least here in the Netherlands is like the main event of prediction contests and pools and whatnot, so yeah I'm in
  14. It's rather late, but if I would do something, I'd do it in a different way. More simple, like this: for every stage you select X riders (let's say 3), and depending on their positions you get points (5 if one of your riders wins the stage, 3 for second or third place, 1 for fourth or fifth place for example). Same thing with GC: choose X riders and get points for their final position. Nothing too complicated like stuff where a rider finishing 2nd is more favorable than a rider finishing 1st, because you predicted 2nd place. Example: stage 1, I pick Sagan, Valverde and Anquetil. Anquetil wins (5 points), Sagan finishes 4th (1 point), Valverde finishes 7th (0 points) --> 6 points
  15. I think the 1 point is for predicting 1 goal for Spain
  16. The fuck is that bullshit? Changing the rules after teams qualified?
  17. Much like France against Argentina, Spain did not want to win
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