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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. And they shouldn't. It's so fucking obvious...
  2. French medallists who achieved their (international) carier at Tokyo the best possible way - Erwann Le Péchoux (men's foil team - Gold) - Luc Abalo (men's handball - Gold) - Michaël Guigou (men's handball - Gold) - Amandine Leynaud (women's handball - Gold) - Astrid Guyart (women's foil team - Silver) - Fanny Horta (women's rugby team - Silver)
  3. Tony Estanguet, head of Paris OC, justifying the inclusion of the young and urban © new sports and the exclusion of karate by their success on social networks... It went as good as you expected...
  4. A lire, le coup de gueule de Cyrille Carré 'non sélectionne en canoe-kayak) ...
  5. Rumour says the world championships could move to the Roubaix vélodrome !!!!
  6. In France, 50 millions have watched on average 8 hours of Tokyo 2020 (+6 millions from Rio) Sunrise, surprise, the numbers are also good with the youngsters with 90% of the 15-24 having watched some of the olympics. The introduction of breakdancing in three years is already showing some results (official IOC statement)éléspectateurs-pour-les-jo-de-tokyo-sur-france-télévisions
  7. I assume these numbers coverage traditional TV only, and not any streaming survives (which should push the number a bit higher) ?
  8. In France, we don't have any forum for multiple olympic sports, so it won't have to replace anything here. The issue is how to reach the people who might be interested ?
  9. 'Le bide' = 'Il bido' I guess for this to work, we need many more posters
  10. Est-ce qu'il y en a parmi vous qui sont chaud pour l'idée de @Sindo ? J'avoue qu'avoir un lieu unique pour les discussions sur les sports olympiques et qui s'y prêtent bien plus que facebook/twitter ce serait vraiment sympa, mais j'ai peur du bide...
  11. 0/10 We had our worst tally since Athens. No one expected that. Fuck, we are the next host, we were supposed to be on the rise before Paris, so actually it's -10/10 . But, BUT we had 3 golds in team sports, so it's like 40 golds in one ! And that includes the freaking volleyball team, that same one that was almost out after two games, that same one who was lead 0-2 against Slovenia in Berlin OQT in January 2000 ! And, we secure our Top 10 in medals table, even overpassing Germany and Italy on the last days just for the sake of it ! So really... I don't know / 10
  12. I was looking at other nations numbers and Germany seems to have the exact same problem than us witch very similar numbers. Since 2012, on average, they have 'lost' 6 medals and 2.8 golds each winter and summer olympics vs the last world championships (-5.6 and -2.4 for France) Now, we understand why @OlympicsFanis constantly angry.
  13. Par rapport à la prépa mentale pour les jeux. Je me souviens après la course de VTT d'un entraineur qui essayait de réconforter Loana Lecomte qui lui disait (en gros) : "tu vois, on t'avait dit que les Jeux c'était autre chose, maintenant tu sais" comme s'il était normal de se rater pour une première quand bien même on a remporté les 4 dernières Coupes du Monde... Alors, je ne sais pas si ils on lui en a trop ou pas assez parlé, mais j'ai été pas mal déconcerté par ces quelques mots.
  14. Definitely both. Triathlon is another fine exemple of that. A sort of UK Sport has been set up a couple years ago (Agence Nationale du Sport) mainly to tackle the high performance sector of french sport. Former - very successful - handball NT coach Claude Onesta is leading it. I like his talk and I believe he has the right ideas in mind, yet he is facing an old system (a quasi socialist one tbf) that it's very difficult to move. People care, but the public discussion is mainly about funding or very long-term issues (like the already mentioned sport at school). Our system has become inefficient and doesn't know how to peak at the right time (the olympics). On that last point, we still could make a big difference by 2024. Hopefully, the right questions will be asked by the right people.
  15. Generally speaking, Tokyo 2020 was poor for french hopes. 33 medals is our lowest total since Athens. Expectations before the games were about the same as Rio (42 medals despite the 10% extra events we had in Japan). We are for from it. Many of our biggest gold hopes (MTB, BMX, men's team epée, Vincent Luis, Herbert-Mahut for the second time, Benjamin Thomas, etc.) fail to even reach the podium. Ok, poor olympic games can happen. The issue being that lately we only had poor olympic games. Since 2012, we continually fail to match the results we had in world championships prior to the Olympic Games (thanks again @sindo for the great work) (mondiaux = world championship; or = gold; médailles = well, medals ) It seems like we are continually underperforming during the olympics which is as much disappointing that it is frustrating. I would very much prefer it to be the other way around... We talk big plans about sport in school and sport facilities and whatever. But we have an immediate problem here that could rapidly (?) and easily (?) be fixed, and nobody seem to acknowledge it. Very frustrating.
  16. Ok, nous avons un problème. Depuis 2012, à chaque jeux olympiques, nous faisons moins bien aussi bien en terme de médailles que d'or que lors des championnats du monde qui précédent ces mêmes jeux (seule exception, le total de médailles de Rio) En moyenne, nous perdons 5.6 médailles et 2.4 médailles d'or entre les Mondiaux et les Jeux. Imaginer le bilan à Tokyo avec ces médailles perdues, cela aurait tout de suite une autre gueule et une autre saveur. Personnellement, j'en ai marre de sortir à chaque fois frustré et déçu des Jeux. D'où vient cette putain de perte quasi-systématique ?
  17. Thank you ? Edit: The non-officialy-totallympics-approved table from 2012
  18. Really? What his nationality has anything to do with that shit?
  19. They did drop baseball and wrestling (before reinstalling it) though despite the us strenght in these sport.
  20. btw @Sindo Do you have the archives of previous olympic cycles (winter & summer) somewhere ?
  21. Once again, we are doing a lot less than what the last world championsips could have let us believe....
  22. Le bilan arithmétique est nécessairement décevant (émotionnellement, l'or des volleyeurs rattrapant tout en ce qui me concerne ) Une nouvelle fois après Rio, après Pyeongchang, on réussi nettement moins de médailles que ce qui avait été prévu, notamment par Gracenote A voir aussi, le décompte des médailles lors des derniers mondiaux de chaque discipline par @Sindo(42, dont 14 titres) On a là un vrai problème AMHA et qui ne nécessiterait pas des décennies pour être solutionné ou révolutionner toute la culture sportive du pays.
  23. Same here, thank you very much dead-nintendo-franchise-man ?
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