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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. At first, I had read 'shootering' and for a couple of seconds, I asked myself what the hell : shooting on skates ? Probably more fun than 'scootering' anyway...
  2. C'est tragique. C'est habituel pour l'haltérophilie de n'envoyer personne ou presque à ces mondiaux ?
  3. I was watching the badminton final between the french and british guy (won by the former) I don't think I ever seen such sportmanship in defeat like Krysten Coombs showed us tonight. That was fantastic to see. And kudos to the winner Charles Noakes obviously
  4. Une vidéo de la seule médaille (et du seul titre !) français de ces mondiaux U20 : Méta Tumba sur 400 mh. C'était certainement la plus attendue de toute la délégation et elle n'a pas déçu A noter quand même 13 places de finalistes.
  5. I'll take your points table over the medals table we have now everyday ! I think there is value in a 'normalized points' table that would weight each event slightly different. But in your case, that's might be a bit too much and it's killing it IMO. Probably, there is a mathematical formula that would work better
  6. Best of Phryges during the opening ceremony who clearly had a better time than most of us yesterday night.
  7. I certainly didn't expect a full pool for swimming morning sessions. That's great to see.
  8. Début des mondiaux u20 d'athlétisme cet après-midi à Lima Les Français avec un SB parmi le Top 8 des participants : Ishak DAHMANI, 3000 ms (8e) Augustin BECQUET PERIGON, perche (5e) Alexandre MONTAGNE, décathlon (6e) Bastien PICART, 10 000 marche (8e) Laura MONTAUBAN, 100 mh (4e) Méta TUMBA, 400 mh (2e) Louise BOULENT, perche (4e) Vanessa LOKULI, longueur (7e) Clémence ROUGIER, triple saut (3e) Princesse HYMAN, disque (6e) Marie ROUGETET, marteau (5e) Léna AUVRAY, 10 000 marche (8e) Relais 4*100m F (8e) Pas de diffuseur en France, les championnats seront à suivre sur la page de WA à partir de 16h.
  9. Yes, with Quentin Lafargue. It was not that bad (euro champions in 2022), don't know why it was stopped.
  10. Alex Lanier plus jeune vainqueur d'un Super Series après avoir sorti le n°1 mondial en 1/2 On tient peut-être le premier badiste français capable d'aller chercher des médailles mondiales et olympiques
  11. Alex Lanier has won the Japanese Open and becomes the first ever french Super Series winner Aged only 19, he's also the youngest to win a Super Series event.
  12. Yeah, the history of the olympic program is basically an ever losing battle against its expansion. In 1930, the reduction of the program was already the main order of the IOC's congress. Nothing came from it.
  13. It's nice the sport survives against all odds, but not thank you.
  14. I wish every person in France that complains here about the coverage of non football sports opened just once one of the sports newpapers in Portugal
  15. Yes, yes and yes ! That's was definitely the one thing missing in road cycling : commercialisation of the sport !
  16. Effectivement, excellent documentaire. J'en profite, si qulqu'un souhaite ouvrir un topic sur les paras, il est le bienvenu
  17. J'ouvre ce topic pour parler des différentes perfs des jeunes et juniors français qui deviendront (ou pas) les futures vedettes du sport français Commençons par quelque chose que nous n'avons pas vu à Paris : des médailles en Aviron ! 2 bronze pour être précis en U23 (M4+ et W2-) Aujourd'hui, ce sont 7 bateaux supplémentaires qui sont inscrits en Finale A ! Bref, il y a de l'espoir pour l'aviron français. PS: j'apprends l'existence d'un athlète côté français dénommé Fridolin Ludwig
  18. The Olympics are not doing too bad. Some numbers in France. 95% of french people have watched the Olympics (at least one minute) On average, every french person have watched 24 hours of it (that's the craziest statistic) 24.4 millions have watched the Opening Ceremony (historic record for french television) 15 millions watched the 4th Gold of Léon Marchand
  19. FIH put some standards for France at Paris. Top 20 IIRC. Also only one 3x3 basketball team was automatically qualified and for some reasons we didn't had any home quotas in Wrestling.
  20. Squash is weird. If IOC had really wanted, Paris would have make more sense. But really, the whole thing is weird since Paris. Breaking which sounded like TB pet project dropped after Paris ? Lacrosse AND Cricket for an US host ? Squash ? ... It's impossible to understand these decision tbf.
  21. They shouldn’t obviously. But, IOC shoud never agree to add a sport played in three countries and half to begin with. So...
  22. Depends of the sport really. Baseball and Cricket have very strong profesionnal structures to go back to in case of being included on the 'cycle' or not. A sport like Field Hockey doesn't, it can't be put on a on/off situation every 4 yeats (just like Karate shouldn't either)
  23. *The LA28 Committee. Anyway, it's yet to see if the additional sports program will survive post-2028. The main point has been achieved IMO (adding new - urban, etc. - sports to the core program without sacrificing any existing sports.
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