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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. L'Ouzbek était intouchable sur la journée. Pas de regret à avoir, elle a su se remobiliser pour aller chercher une belle médaille Le regret en judo, il est pour Walide Khyar et son élimination à 5 secondes de la fin du quart alors qu'il était en parfaite maitrise.
  2. Thibus out et 2 à suivre contre les têtes de série 1 et 3, je sens que je vais pas trop aimer ce qu'on va vivre
  3. I never saw someone in such a distress than Abe today. Literally, like she had lost a child.
  4. Je n'ai jamais vu une telle réaction après une défaite. Abe hurlait littéralement à la mort.
  5. Tellement, surtout qu'elles ont démontré qu'elles pouvaient gagner sans elle...
  6. Doublé avec Quiquampoix, je veux rien entendre
  7. Pour l'instant, seul le tir semble un peu en dedans. Les 2 équipes mixtes étaient déjà assez loin des matchs à la médaille. Et Fouquet très, très loin également (moins une surprise) J'avais misé entre 3 et 4 médailles pour la discipline, ça semble compliqué
  8. C'est terrible les Jeux, on loupe tellement de choses. Je viens juste d'apprendre que Juliette Labous avait fait 4e du chrono
  9. The entrance for fencers during the finals is incredible
  10. I'm maybe a bit slow, but I don't get it. What's that ?
  11. Ah yes, obviously. They had a bit of buzz lately when a video surfacing of them practicing some dance moves with some Moulin Rouge girls (I let you decide why it buzzed in the first place) And they did their moves on the pitch after they receive their gold medals
  12. Océane Muller a fini par retrouver son niveau, mais un peu tard EDIT: elle réalise même le meilleur score sur une série de tous les concurrent(e)s.
  13. The venue looks a bit better on TV than what we have seen before on pictures.
  14. So… I haven't read any of your comments guys. This is the recap of a non lefty french personn who had a short and very agitated night. Like the ceremony, it will be a chaotic mess of confusing feelings * I don't enjoy opening cermony. I usually got bored very soon and wish the thing to end up as quickly as possible. Yesterday, I may have wished for the ceremony to end quicky but not because I got bored ! * I - really - load the organisation to have tried something unique and new. But, it was a mess. The filming was bad and the realisation was so many time completly lost. Probably, because they couldn't have full routines previewed in a closed environment like a stadium, they had to improvise along the way. * We have missed so many things on television ! Like the guys during their sport trick on the platforms. In a stadium, the spectacle spectators and telespectators get is roughly the same, here it was not. Unfortunately, I Don't think it was a success for neither. * The Energy in display was fantastic * Gojira ! * People who have done it have zero sense of historicity, history for them is simply a serie of historical anecdotes with no real value. * The quasi absence of Coubertin was expected, but still unforgivable. That's my biggest Fuck Them take * I thought I would felt a bit ashamed by the presence of local artist whose artistic quality seem to me less than obvious. Thanks to the crazy high energy of the show I wasn't * The « Europe » segment was about 20 secondes too long (and yes it was 20 seconds) * The woke stuff was so much in your face and with zero suitability that it was almost comical. * These people don't know how enraged some people will be after seeing their show. Maybe, they know, but they don't care or even they wish to harm them. But I think they don't know, their ideology bubble is so strong. * The Marseillaise singing setup was fantastic but as so many other things it was ruined by a god awful filming) * Love the horse thing and the build up of olympic history * It was all better when the ceremony reached the Trocadéro. I hope other will try their luck with an in the city ceremony, but I think you need some anchor place (a stadium or otherwise) *No one knew the Eiffel Tower could lighten up like that ! *The last segment that lead to the mongolfiere was great. I didn't spoil myself, so as far as I was concerned it was a big surprise and I really enjoyed the scenery of the various athletes carying the torch. I think that's it, sport can't start soon enough.
  15. Le programme des Français de ce premier jour (et oui, ça fait beaucoup !)
  16. First Slovakia/Slovenia/Whyeastereuropehassomanycountries error on french TV mistaking the Slovenian flag for the serbian one.
  17. Tony Estanguet confirming the last torch barrier has only be confirmed this morning. From the wording used, it seems clear he meant one person, and one person only (so no groups, or some fantasy stuff).
  18. Unless, Marie-José Pérec has turned into a great actress, she doesn't know as this morning if she will be the last torch barrier or not.
  19. Les 75 (!) médailles de la prédiction de l'Equipe. Le problème de ce genre d'exercice, c'est que des gens qui n'y connaissent pas grand chose vont prendre ça pour argent comptant. C'est la même chose avec un Luyat qui t'annonce une médaille dès que le moindre athlète français s'approche d'une finale olympique.
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