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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Clair que les tirages au sort ne nous sont pas favorables pour l'instant (après un favori, ça peut sortir avant d'avoir à les rencontrer ) Par contre, à part Kevin Mayer, aucune grosse blessure de dernière minute. Je ne sais pas si c'est du cul ou une meilleure gestion des athlètes, mais j'ai souvenir d'hécatombes pré Londres et Rio.
  2. No, you're mixing up with the WP/Diving pool. The Paris La Defense Arena that host the swimming competition was built in 2017.
  3. The tennis players are staying in the National Tennis Training Center, which is located - oh the surprise - just meters away from Roland Garros stadium, the guys riding horses are staying near Versailles. I think that's it (on top of shooters, surfers and sailors obviously)
  4. Joke aside, I'm curious why @erw is bullish on Barbelin chances as she was very disappointing during the qualifications.
  5. Home advantage. All the french medals are automatically doubled up. This is a new rule.
  6. Première - immense - émotion hier soir grace aux septistes, comme l'a dit @Styrka, ca va être dur de tenir 15 jours J'avais très peur qu'une élimination avant même la cérémonie d'ouverture mine le moral de l'ensemble de la délégation (oui, c'est un peu con, ça marche pas comme ça, et les Olympiens sont beaucoup moins fragiles que moi )
  7. Aaron Grandidier, rugby 7's, born in London from a british father, raised in Kent, has represented England (15-a-side) as a youngster GB was not qualified, Ireland is out, the Aussies and Saffas are still in, so really you have no other choice to cheer for us
  8. There will probably be more and more (see rowing in 2028 for exemple). We are past the time when hosts were building 10+ new permanent venues for the Olympics.
  9. They're not bad propositions to be honest, but they are either impractical (longer playing time when the sport is very demanding on the body or smaller fields within already existing stadiums) or politically very unlikely (changing the points system from the 15-a-side game). For one, i much prefer rugby union for precisely its diversity of scoring and its momentum building. But I'd say rugby seven as an olympic event is perfectly fine. EDIT: also to add a bit of rugby historical background for people puzzled by the try/conversion dynamic. Originally, a "try", was just that : a try for kicking over the bars, the try by itself didn't award any point. World Rugby is not going to throw that away.
  10. Smart ass that much, right ? The 'majority of the world' couldn't give a single fuck about the depth of an olympic swimming pool, only armchair experts that wake up two days before the Oympics do (well, pretend to do), but it is of zero importance obviously. It was not like it was a kept secret that would have been magically revealed right before the Olympics. IOC, FINA, national federations perfectly knew about the depth of the pool for years, and none of them ever complained about it, specialy as it was in line with the then regulations.
  11. Someone should ask the players what would they prefer between both situations. But I have an idea after the passion and energy commited during the game
  12. Yeah sure... ... In 2020 cette arène%2C située à,tournoi olympique de water-polo.
  13. Modern art I suppose. A artist named Abraham Poincheval is going to live in a bottle next to the Stade de France for 10 days. Parisien | JO 🥇&at_campaign=Partage Twitter CM&at_medium=Social media
  14. Nadal skipped a training session. Now Spain lives in fear.
  15. The injured player, Théo Forner, is out and replaced by Nelson Epée (which many french fans seemed to regret he was not in the team to start with)
  16. Sure, just to reiterate, I can find any source in french on @Faramir breaking news I believe, we are a long way before the final decision.
  17. As far as I remembered, there were always the two possibilities : temporary venue in Nice or a 'real' one abroad
  18. Well, it's become harder and harder to justify the building of a very expensive venue for a sport that barely exist in the country. It will be a different matter if an outdoor venue was a possibility like it was for the Lausanne YOG
  19. Nothing (yet) on french medias. We kwnow from the start, that no oval is going to be built for the games. I'd prefer a temprary venue somewhere in France, but Torino is still better than Norway or the Netherlands.
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