You didn't understand the discussion then...
I didn't make that argument in the first place, that was @Vektor. I was responding to it, particulary the point where he lumps both rugby and cricket as equally commonwealth-focused. I was pointing out that Rugby is indeed a lot less commonwealth-focused, using a slightly exaggerated argument (no shit). RU is my favorite sport btw and I know more than a bit of its history having dedicated hundred of hours searching and writing about it...
And back to your handball argument, it's really "but, but tennis table shouldn't be an olympic sport, because China". Yeah, the sport is heavely dominated by Europeans. But who cares, as long as the game is universal and played pretty much everywhere. The universality of a sport has not to be judged on the regional spread of its top nations, but on the number of players around the world and the number of nations that do play the game.
And perhaps, it was not so the case when handball was introduced back then. But again, who cares? It was a different time with different exigences and different rules (IIRC, IOC was only asking for 25 countries to play a sport to be considered at that time)
I don't wish cricket to be an olympic sport because it's too commonwealth (that was never my argument, only if that was argument had to be made, rugby would fared a lot better in that regard), but because it's not universal enough in my book. Besides, I don't think cricket will gain olympic status, but not because of its lack of universality, but for more practical reasons (cost and legacy of a cricket stadium and quotas requirement).