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Posts posted by Cobi

  1. hace 3 horas, Olympian1010 dijo:

    As someone learning Spanish, this video if very funny. Especially the last 5 minutes. How true is this @LDOG @konig @Manulete @mrv86 @Jur @Cobi?



    I saw it a few months after the video was published and it's very funny and completely true. Depending on the country or even the region, the same word could have very different meanings.


    In fact I know some real cases of funny situations. In Spain "Concha" is a shell and also a women's name, but in some American countries is a word for pussy. So imagine the face of the hotel receptionist when a friend told him her name! :lol:

  2. En 8/10/2019 a las 17:20, hckosice dijo:

    The only Slovak more or less high class water polo player Lukáš Ďurík the CN Barcelona field player has apparently received an offer for Spanish citizenship from the :ESP federation and he wants to use it. This is what he said to our NT coach.



    So he will not play in the upcoming ECH qualification tournament in SVK this weekend against :FRA:UKR and :BLR . Pitty, gonna be a huge miss for us, but we still should at least qualify, since the top 2 teams from this group will qualify to the EURO.


    source in svk


    I just read about this and it is a shame that waterpolo's NTs act like clubs. With respect to Rio we have lost Guillermo Molina and Chalo Echenique (now they play with Italy), but I don't get the point of our federation "buying" a player for other country...

  3. One of the main projects of the new mayor of Madrid is to bid for 2032 Olympics, but after the 3 deceptions in a row, most of the people here is against that idea.


    Furthermore, Barcelona is studying to bid for 2030 Winter Olympics, but I'm not sure if the canfidature will be presented due to political differences. Furthermore, if Barcelona bids for 2030, it would not make sense for Madrid to apply for 2032.



    After a tough internal selection process, La Quinta Estación has been selected to represent Spain at 2019 TOISC. This group composed by Natalia Jiménez (voice), Ángel Reyero and Pablo Domínguez (guitars) started in 2000 in Madrid and published several hits until 2010, when they decided to take a break.


    They will participate in Denmark with one of their most iconic songs, “El sol no regresa”. The single was published in 2004 and reached the top10 of most popular songs in Spain for several weeks.





    Hace días perdí
    En alguna cantina
    La mitad de mi alma
    Más en quince de propina

    No es que sea el alcohol
    La mejor medicina
    Pero ayuda a olvidar
    Cuando no ves la salida

    Hoy te intento contar
    Que todo va bien
    Aunque no te lo creas
    Aunque a estas alturas
    Un último esfuerzo
    No valga la pena

    Hoy los buenos recuerdos
    Se caen por las escaleras
    Y tras varios tequilas
    Las nubes se van
    Pero el sol no regresa

    Sueños de habitación
    De un hotel de carretera
    Y unas gotas de lluvia
    Que guardo en esta maleta

    Ruedan por el colchón
    De mi cama ya desierta
    Es la mejor solución
    Para el dolor de cabeza

    Hoy te intento contar
    Que todo va bien
    Aunque no te lo creas
    Aunque a estas alturas
    Un último esfuerzo
    No valga la pena

    Hoy los buenos recuerdos
    Se caen por las escaleras
    Y tras varios tequilas
    Las nubes se van
    Pero el sol no regresa

    Hoy te intento contar
    Que todo va bien
    Aunque no te lo creas
    Aunque a estas alturas
    Un último esfuerzo
    No valga la pena

    Hoy los buenos recuerdos
    Se caen por las escaleras
    Y tras varios tequilas
    Las nubes se van
    Pero el sol no regresa

    Y tras varios tequilas
    Las nubes se van
    Pero el sol no regresa

    Y tras varios tequilas
    Las nubes se van
    Pero el sol no regresa


  5. Carolina is back!!! :clap:


    Probably the second best new of the month for Spanish sport, just after the world title in basketball. I hope she can keep the level shown today in future games and we could see her in finals very soon.

  6. 6.168.000 (46,5 %) people watched yesterday's game in Spanish TV, becoming the basketball game with more spectators in TV in our country. The 2nd place is for 2015 Eurobasket final with 6.148.000 people (44,5 %).


    In 2006, the final was followed by 3.639.000 spectators (47,6 %).

  7. hace 7 horas, George_D dijo:


    why Abrines and Mirotic arent in team?


    Abrines left NBA in January due to a a depression and he decided to stop playing basketball this year until July, when he signed with FC Barcelona, so he was not available.


    Mirotic was called but he refused to come because he wanted a break after a long NBA season. Serge Ibaka (Raptors) and Chacho Rodríguez (Olimpia Milano) also declined being part of the team this year.

  8. Wow! This team is not as good as it was 10 years ago but today they have played a really good game and we are a step closer of qualifying for Tokyo (hopefully it will be enough with reaching the semifinals).


    Nevertheless, I still think that Serbia is the main favorite for the gold medal, even with a more difficult road to the final. Now we have to focus on Poland, because it will be a very tough match. ¡Vamos España!


    PS. Argentina-Serbia will be a very interesting match to see, I hope Argentina can upset the serbians! Apart of Spain, I always root for them in basketball and I will be very happy to see both teams in SFs.

  9. hace 8 minutos, Gianlu33 dijo:

    And Spain won against Spain ;) The 1st Spanish couple, in the top10 of the ranking, was disqualified fom race 4.


    This World Championship is one of the three competitions that our national federation has selected as "qualification events" to decide what couple goes to Tokyo, so it is expected that the girls try to do as much as they can to beat each other, even harming the overall results of the country.

    It is very usual in Spanish sailing. For Rio 2016, in 49er we had a lot of problems with this internal competition in international events.

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