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Everything posted by phelps

  1. give Mattia Predomo a couple of years to build up on his muscles...
  2. Italy just destroyed Scotland 28-4 I wonder how many people in Italy do even know that Rugby is also played with these rules and format...
  3. Women's Junior Individual 50m 3-Position Rifle Gold: Pang Yuqian Silver: Alexandra Rosenlew Bronze: Armina Sadeghian
  4. Women's Team 10m Air Pistol Gold: China Silver: India Bronze: Iran
  5. Men's Team 10m Air Pistol Gold: China Silver: Iran Bronze: South Korea
  6. Women's Team 10m Air Rifle Gold: China Silver: United States Bronze: India
  7. this is why I hate the MLB and I hate Mr. Roberts
  8. I couldn't agree more... only difference, my memory goes back also to L.A. 1984 and I must admit that despite the Eastern World's boycott, I have a special place in my heart for those Games (as it is for Sarajevo 1984, when it comes to the Winter Games) just because it was the first time I had the chance to discover so many sports I couldn't watch before (I was a 8-year young kid at the time...and I barely knew 5 or 6 sports).
  9. Men's Team 10m Air Rifle Gold: India Silver: China Bronze: Serbia
  10. Junior Mixed Team 25m Standard Pistol Gold: China 1 Silver: India 1 Bronze: India 2
  11. if they don't post them on the ISSF website, it will be difficult to find them...
  12. she's so powerful! and she also looks a very nice girl by the interview I heard before... from an Italian perspective, very disappointing day...especially Viviani in the men's Omnium and the women's Madison duo were way below expectations...
  13. until they hit badly all those managers and officials who take advantage of the poverty, lack of education and naivety of these boys and girls, they will always be the easy scapegoats of any sort of dirty traffic and greedy behaviour.
  14. nothing compared to Egonu's madness after the end of today's match. she started talking of some idiots asking her why is she Italian? and saying this was her last game with our National team given that she has all the rights to be furious about this stupid racists, I fear she's just setting up the table for those who wants her out of the team (it looks that a few among her teammates don't like her that much...and also some of our federation's officials). we'll see how it develops, but it might be the beginning of collapse of this team.
  15. Women's Individual 10m Air Pistol Gold: Lu Kaiman Silver: Anna Korakaki Bronze: Zorana Arunovic Olympic Quota (to the NOCs, NOT to the shooters): Lu Kaiman, Anna Korakaki, Zorana Arunovic, Elmira Karapetyan
  16. yeah, it was yesterday's shocking news. Mike Pelino will be his 1st assistent coach. still, our problem are the (lacking/modest) players, not the men behind the bench (even if someone like Keenan might get a bit more respect for the team by the refs during games).
  17. Women's 10m Air Pistol Shooters Qualified to the Ranking Match 1. Jiang Ranxin, 591 2. Zorana Arunovic, 590 3. Anna Korakaki, 585 4. Irina Yunusmetova, 585 5. Li Xue, 584 6. Lu Kaiman, 584 7. Elmira Karapetyan, 582 8. Olena Kostevych, 580 Qualifications, Full Ranking:
  18. Men's Individual 10m Air Pistol Gold: Liu Jinyao Silver: Zhang Yifan Bronze: Pavlo Korostylov Olympic Quota (to the NOCs, NOT to the shooters): Liu Jinyao, Pavlo Korostylov, Lee Wonho, Gulfam Joseph
  19. Men's Junior Individual 25m Standard Pistol Gold: Udhayveer Sidhu Silver: Liu Yangpan Bronze: Sameer
  20. Women's Junior Individual 25m Standard Pistol Gold: Feng Sixuan Silver: Zhao Nan Bronze: Tejaswani
  21. Women's Junior Individual 25m Pistol Gold: Esha Singh Silver: Feng Sixuan Bronze: Miriam Jako
  22. Men's 10m Air Pistol Shooters Qualified to the Ranking Match 1. Zhang Yifan, 589 2. Zhang Bowen, 587 3. Gulfam Joseph, 586 4. Pavlo Korostylov, 584 5. Viktor Bankin, 583 6. Shiva Narwal, 583 7. Liu Jinyao, 582 8. Lee Wonho, 582 Qualifications, Full Ranking:
  23. Men's Junior Individual 50m 3-Position Rifle Gold: Du Linshu Silver: Marko Ivanovic Bronze: Griffin Lake
  24. emozioni forti negli ultimi giorni... detto e ridetto dei mondiali di Judo (terminati mercoledì), ecco che già siamo nel pieno marasma dei tornei iridati di Tiro a segno e di Ciclismo su Pista. di questi ultimi, ovviamente, non si può non sottolineare l'impresa mostruosa di Filippo Ganna nell'Inseguimento Individuale maschile, ma anche il trionfo delle ragazze dell'Inseguimento a Squadre (in attesa che Zoe Backsted riporti la GBR su un altro pianeta, inavvicinabile ai comuni mortali). abbastanza deludenti invece gli argenti del quartetto maschile e anche di Rachele Barbieri nella Corsa ad Eliminazione. molto deludenti i piazzamenti lontano dal podio di Bianchi (KM da Fermo maschile), Scartezzini (mai in gara nella Corsa a Punti maschile e, soprattutto, il floppone di Elisa Balsamo nell'Omnium femminile, in giornata sciagurata sin dalla prima prova...col senno di poi, forse la Barbieri, clamorosa vincitrice dell'Europeo questa estate, sarebbe stata più efficace in questa disciplina -imho Balsamo e Paternoster dovrebbero dimenticare le prove di gruppo in pista...hanno troppi traumi alle spalle che più o meno inconsciamente le bloccano e le rendono non competitive). nel Tiro a Segno, invece, debutto iridato senior da urlo per Danilo Dennis Sollazzo nella carabina ad aria compressa. Il giovane azzurro, infatti, si porta a casa un argento che era quasi oro e una preziosissima carta olimpica. al contrario, disastro totale al femminile, con in particolare Sofia Ceccarello completamente persa, che probabilmente ancora paga (e chissà per quanto lo farà) il trauma psicologico rappresentato da quell'ultimo, fatale colpo della qualificazione della gara Olimpica di Tokyo. il tutto, in attesa delle gare di Pistola ad Aria Compressa di oggi e delle altre discipline olimpiche nei prossimi giorni. p.s. non scrivo nulla sul Volley femminile, altrimenti rischio la blasfemia
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