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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Ah, once again posts got deleted. Who cares whether we processed it or not.
  2. Not quite, but maybe @OlympicIRL can tell us what is the age limit for TISC?
  3. But you should have also known that bestmen of all people will react to someone calling him an "ass". All we did was point this out to mrv86. You putting a pressure on him with some ultimatums or whatnot is just too much. I mean, you already broke rule 7. (c) if we're going to enforce things.
  4. Erin Sylvester and wonderfully named Paddy The Caddy lead with 20 more combinations to go. Livestream of the final stage is available here.
  5. That part about putting the nation's participation and/or result under review is open to interpretation though.
  6. Which then leads us to rule 7. (f). Lucky for us, @mrv86 is a lawyer.
  7. "It's been more than six and a half hours of horrible racing." WTF commentator
  8. And just like that vd Poel is not special anymore.
  9. finish top 2 in men's road race, but it will eventually be who qualify from here. Chinese Taipei last competed in men's road race in 1996, so it's a great achievement to be back.
  10. On the contrary, eventing is often a second career for the horses that don't make it in horse racing business (especially in the USA)...
  11. Couple of briliant action shots.
  12. @phelps @Gianlu33 @Sindo @Dunadan @AlFHg Looks like I will be going to Venice next month. Can you give me some tips?
  13. Boyd Martin, Tim Price, Phillip Dutton went inside the time, but it's Oliver Townend who keeps command thanks to his dressage lead... Dani Moguel had an unexpected stop right at the start, but continued on. She is riding with broken ribs actually, but nevertheless she gave a great interview after the ride: "I thought about pulling out after that early stop, but then I remembered how many fans came here to cheer Cecelia and me." Standings after XC
  14. Typical Kentucky so far. Lesser names putting great runs, while the more famous names of team USA struggle. State of American eventing is pretty bad, and it's just getting worse.
  15. Right. Same bonus to those who bring users that couldn't care less about TISC or Totallympics. Because more nations.
  16. bestmen's posts are disappearing as soon as they are being posted.
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