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Everything posted by dcro

  1. It's all available on the Olympic yt channel.
  2. So an official managed to knock out a Canadian player.
  3. [hide] Men's Tournament - Knockout Round January 20th - January 26th, 2020 12 Nations, Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 22th 2020, h. 16:00 Italy 3 Montenegro January 22th 2020, h. 17:30 Serbia 2 Spain January 22th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 6 Russia January 22th 2020, h. 20:30 Croatia 3 Greece [/hide]
  4. I guess this was the only fitting ending for this competition... Australian and American Samoan boats ended up tied both on net points and overall points. American Samoa is provisionally ranked 1st, but I'm not sure that's correct.
  5. What? It has the same 30-40 nations at every World championships.
  6. Terrible, absolutely unwatchable snowboard slopestyle final. There were only 5 (!) clean runs out of 33 in total. This discipline should change ASAP. There should be just one run in the final. That would require athletes to do the tricks they can actually do, rather than pack up their rides with impossible tricks in a hope they get lucky.
  7. And here is the list of eventing MER events for 2020. India and South Africa need qualifying score at one CCI4*-L event in order to keep their spots. Since both their riders are based in Western Europe, essentially they are left with 8 possible events in Barroca d'Alva, Montelibretti, Ballindenisk, Montelibretti (2), Sopot, Baborowko, Saumur and Tattersalls...
  8. [hide] Women's Tournament - Knockout Round January 21th - January 25th, 2020 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 21th 2020, h. 14:30 Slovakia 25 Netherlands January 21th 2020, h. 16:00 Russia 2 Italy January 21th 2020, h. 17:30 Greece 3 Spain January 21th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 15 France [/hide]
  9. Unfortunately we can't know for sure, but apparently the Technical Committee protested in favor of their disqualifications.
  10. If internet forums were only like this...
  11. Dafuq? Both boats got disqualified in races 1, 2, 3 *AND* 4. No worries, American Samoa is still safe (and they still dominate).
  12. You can't expect new regions to emerge without giving them encouragement in form of Olympic quota places. Any such views are pro-(European)-establishment. Just as an example, Takuya Haneda and Luuka Jones qualified through continental qualifiers in 2008 (Jones essentially got a free quota and finished last). Nevertheless, they both won first canoe slalom medals for their nation in 2016.
  13. Well, it's the only way of avoiding random draws. That is, unless we get very, very unlucky.
  14. Alternatively you could have 16-13-11-9-8... - just a little extra for the top pick.
  15. Yeah, American team seems to be pretty emotional... I like it.
  16. And he still missed the podium, ouch.
  17. Honestly, multi-juries would work best with preferential voting, but of course that would require jurors to rank all of the songs and not just top 12...
  18. A lot of sleds are running onto the rubber at the end of the track. Plenty of angry breakmen to see for those who tune in.
  19. Ukrainians will be getting a shitload of funding following these memorable achievements at the European Championships.
  20. Our slalom team is beyond useless at this point.
  21. It's interesting how Kindl completely dominated the early part of the last season and then got DQ'd in Lake Placid. He hasn't been anywhere near the podium ever since. One has to wonder if he was doing something really shady with his sled...
  22. Americans win 7:5. It was a fun game all things considered.
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