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Everything posted by dcro

  1. It really is not. Actually, Sagan's domination seems to be getting plenty of approval on this forum. Just imagine if he was from Britain. We would never hear the end of people complaining about him then.
  2. To be fair, he still wins it every year with a landslide margin, so one can't really say the organizers are plotting against him. Take FIS for example. When they grew tired of Stenmark winning, they invented Super-G. When they grew tired of slalom specialists turning tables in combined, they switched the order of disciplines. When they grew tired of Kowalczyk winning Tour de Ski, they organized it with 5/7 stages in freestyle. All things considered, Sagan should feel lucky that the organizers never went for such drastic measures in his case.
  3. Excuses, excuses... I wouldn't call it points collecting either. It's basically tailor-made and streamlined for a very specific type of cyclist that Sagan happens to be. Most so-called drama we get concerning the green jersey is when the mountain stages kick in on Week 3 (or when someone gets axed from the tour). Nothing to do with points collecting.
  4. To be honest, having the same guy taking it for an entire decade or whatever hardly seems exciting. For me the system is flawed, but to each their own I guess..
  5. I will not say much either, aside from the fact that sound mixing department flopped badly this time around...
  6. Sagan takes over the green jersey with 13th (!) place today? Green jersey is just bizarre at this point.
  7. I wonder if there ever was a team who attempted to break-away with 8 riders...? You know, sort of how you usually play Pro Cycling Manager...
  8. Following another extension, FEI TV will remain free through to the end of Septmber. Meanwhile, annual subsribers (including myself) will get reimbursed for another month... So your chance to hop on is still available...
  9. Oh wow, this song did not age well. It's full of that fake optimism from March/April when people actually expected things to revert back to normal overnight.
  10. Don't hold your breath. Logos never change (unless they are confirmed rip-offs ).
  11. Logo got created way too soon. Paris 2024 logo came out like yesterday.
  12. While I agree with this, it's important to remember that Trump won those states by a miniscule margin in 2016. That's largely why I don't expect them to flip back by default.
  13. Trump currently stands to lose PA, MI and WI. I doubt he could win without these.
  14. Strange to see some mountain stages early on in the Tour. I don't believe that's usually the case? I find it annoying when Tour starts with flat stages and thus allows some no-names to chase the polka dot jersey just because nobody cares. As if it's a gimmick.
  15. Pierluigi Sangiorgi's ban has been lifted. As it turns out, it was his groom who (frequently) peed in the stables and thus got his horse contaminated with antidepressives.
  16. They predicted COVID-19. And yes, today was the first time I heard this song outside of radio. Yet another 1+ billion views song which I did not even know by name.
  17. That's too bad. I can remember a Maltese shooter (Xuereb) who once qualified for the WC stage final at age 15.
  18. Speed skating and short track could only hope for some World Championships, I guess.
  19. And yet you are all for 10-year olds doing break-neck stuff in skateboarding?
  20. Just look at what happened to the Russian team from Pyeongchang in just two years. Medvedeva deflected from her coach Tutberidze to Canada. She can no longer win medals (or even make Russian team for that matter), but at least she matured as a skater and certainly has few more seasons of high level (Grand Prix) competitions ahead of her. Zagitova is basically retired at this point. Her consistency has gone completely, partly due to a growth spur. And finally Sotskova retired this summer. Last two seasons she basically under rotated 80% of her triples. Growth spur also influenced her too. Come to think of it, this is a strong argument for the minimum age increase. And now they have some 16 year olds doing quads. But in all honesty, they will probably be just as expendible as those that came before.
  21. It would. If nothing else, it would add two more years before they are eligible for championships. Though it's unlikely to pass because it goes against Russia and their overtraining methods. Their influence is so big that there is not even a chance of this passing, actually.
  22. I wonder if DNS really means "tested positive for COVID, but we are attempting to hide it"...
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