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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Netflix is trying too hard for my liking with their artsy/Oscar-baity films. This season they expanded their annual B/W films to more than just one.
  2. Moldova was very good today with not their best team. 22nd place with 0+15.
  3. Charvatovas again with her myriad of stand misses. Czechs really don't have anyone else for the relay??
  4. Still nobody lapped! Kireyev escaped Eckhoff despite being on his third loop.
  5. Emma Lunder better be ready with her slow first lap routine.
  6. This is on par with top hats ban in dressage...
  7. There are no shortlists for the main awards (as far as I know).
  8. As inconsistent as it is, Mank ticks all the boxes. Don't forget that movies about Hollywood always get extra praise. Just to reiterate how inconsistent it is... The movie spends its entire run bashing Hearst and Co.... And yet it still portrays Orson Welles as nothing more than an arrogant man-child - keeping alive Hearst's aggressive narrative and legacy.
  9. Mank getting most Golden Globes noms says it all. The film that shamelessly preaches about Hollywood being bad for its involement in politics (but during the 1930s - for the Republicans). As a film alone, it's just really boring and unimaginative.
  10. Well, I would disagree. Biathlon is about skiing/shooting combo. Penalty loops are flat, so relatively speaking, women do not lose as much time to men compared to downhills and especially climbs. So unless penalty loops are made bigger for women, skiing will become (even) more important than shooting. Aside from being inconvenient, using different penalty loops will again bring up the distance inequality, so there is no reason to change it. As for the individual, 1 min of penalty can be made up considerably more easily in a 55 min-race than in a 45 min-race.
  11. Will Totallympians receive warnings for using the R word instead of RBF and such?
  12. Yeah, just ask Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, RBF...
  13. So a penalty loop for the women will be much less influential than the usual. Always great to have something untested at big events.
  14. Quite possible he was not able to go over the jumps in training so he gave up.
  15. To follow up on these Chinese downhillers, it appears it all started last year... Basically, a couple of Austrian and Italian skiers arrived to China with an aim of lowering FIS points? It all seems like a scheme a la Project Bogota. But this is China, so nobody will get punished, of course.
  16. This complaints are already giving me some serious Aare vibes. Remember those conditions? Whatever happens in Cortina is an improvement by default.
  17. Too bad it turned out this way. Women's combined going first would have given it some much needed extra publicity.
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