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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Yay, the perfect ending. No gold for Loch.
  2. No loops and not lapped. Where is the champagne?
  3. Sweeney stood no chance. All speed is gone right after the 4-S.
  4. Just more of the same. Germans getting 1 km/h higher speed than anyone in the Turbodrom. Back to the glory days of Steffi Walter-Martin, Ute Oberhoffner-Weiss, Cerstin Schmidt (they wish).
  5. Geisenberger with simiilar mistake to Loch.
  6. Congrats Poland! I am looking forward to more video announcements. Please don't stop doing them now.
  7. Not gonna be able to watch tonight, but feeling pretty confident about our friend's chance to progress. Ideal start number + the fact "Where'd You Wanna Go" already placed higher than 4 of these songs. Let's go.
  8. Nothing could help this Loch's poor run. Repilov wins. Loch for some reason leaves his sled behind on the outrun?
  9. Even without the mistake, Nico Gleirscher, the sprint champion, would have been around 0.3 behind. Much slower than anyone that went pre-Loch (D. Gleirscher is 6th with +0.215).
  10. And it all slowed down after Bib 7... Let's how competitive the Austrians will be today.
  11. Thanks Bertechsgades organizers for proving how much of a part the refrigiration plays. This morning the course was melting left and right, due to "weather conditions". Max Langenhan opens the first singles run with a track record.
  12. There will be a big party in Berchtesgaden tonight.
  13. More annoying was having to click on video thumbnails with literal spoilers to watch yesterday's sprints.
  14. Wow, Vidović is such a puzzle. He either makes the second run quite easily, or he is outside of the Top 30 by miles.
  15. Let's just say the mathematical odds of Germans being drawn 1st and 2nd were at an astonishing 48 to 720 (roughly 6-7%).
  16. Shameful performances of the last few starters.
  17. Sics/Sics are 3rd despite crashing! Shades got pulled down after sled #5. WTF, why was it not done before the start?? Quite possible someone cranked down the refrigiration.
  18. German doubles faster than anyone by 0.2s after just 10 seconds? Yeah, okay.
  19. Someone as competitive as her? Absolutely.
  20. Has Kočergina once again saved the Lithuanian funding with this result? Or has she saved the season's apex for the least relevant race of the year?
  21. Following a shock defeat to Kocher in 2016, Geisenberger once again flopped in Konigssee sprint. Never winning a sprint title on her home course will surely leave a bitter taste.
  22. Alex Gough: "Interesting they changed the name of the corner, honoring the former FIL president, who was very long-serving." Tim Singer: "26 years. He brought this sport a long way." Alex Gough: "Yeah... Anyway,"
  23. WRs (and sport in general) are really not about equal chances though. Some track materials are better for sprinters, others are better for distance runners. Should there then be separate WRs for 'ideal' track and not-ideal tracks? Like I said, WRs for the indoors field events are just a matter of equality. I doubt WA is even giving a thought about anything else. Shot put is a shot put.
  24. Second argument covers this. And I would be surprised if any of the current T&F WRs has been set in rain.
  25. Firstly, shot is way too heavy to be influenced by wind or rain. Secondly, if weather conditions are seriously an issue at hand, then they should either have separate WRs for sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy/snowy/hot/cold weather as well, or not have WRs at all. Let's be honest, WRs for indoor events other than track/combined are there only for some arbitrary/equality reasons.
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