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  2. not sure, but in any case we don't have another specialist good enough to go to Paris in this event so, it's the same
  3. Yes. We have some provisional calculations in the second post of this topic. But they are not final even for these sports: Belarussian NOC announced that it will decide whether to send those athletes invited by the IOC to the Games or not. They mentioned that according to their position only the athlete who won license must go to the games. Thus quota in M74 freestyle can become free. By the wat russians wrestlers have a meeting on the 19th of June to decide to go or not to go. And they mentioned that dealine in the 20th of June. So we have to wait several days to find out if mor free quotas will be available.
  4. Just caught up now, a well meant and for Slovak buddy @hckošice
  5. Is this place for the country or for a specific diver?
  6. I don't think it's impossible they've picked Waugh as having more long term potential, and Sophie is appealling.
  7. might be forced to give up one of their quota places in the men's Individual 10m Platform, since Andreas Sargent Larsen is going to be prosecuted for stalking (and other charges) this is the (very sad) story (it's in Italian, but google could help)
  8. Golf (Men) Final Ranking list released on 17/06/24 2 quota places for Shubhankar Sharma & Gaganjeet Bhullar qualifies for Olympics based on the ranking list.
  9. Aistis Vitkauskas failed to meet criteria for Eventing and lost his Olympic quota!!! Edit: Lithuanian Olympic Committee officially announced rejecting the quota.
  10. Austria has 2 African players , they learnt how to proceed
  11. Today
  12. I’m so happy for Slovakia and our @hckošice.
  13. Olympic Ranking Lists updated as of June 17th, 2024 (Final Ranking)
  14. the question is who will get what, because there each Sport can handle things diffrently
  15. Thanks and congrats for your win as well. Nice 17th June for both of us for sure
  16. I know this feeling, my friend I live near Hungarian border and we have here a big community of Slovak people, I have a lot of Slovak friends so this night we will celebrate together
  17. haha, not my favorite brand though, but some pint of beers will end sacrified tonight for sure and maybe I will re-read some of my childhood Tintin comic book later
  18. Slovakia in 2021 won 1 match against Poland. Now I hope they will advance further. They need 1 point in 2 games.
  19. Dramatic loss for Belgium and another one for my favorite team in Egypt at the same time
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