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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Not only to the white minority, but to everyone in the country basically. He took away their farms and literally within a few years he had to beg other countries for help, because - as everyone saw coming - it turned the economy to absolute shit, the Zimbabwe currency to arguably one of the weakest in world history and unemployment rates skyrocketed. Mugabe was pretty much Africa's Adolf Hitler, one could say. I mean, both did some things that were pretty good (getting rid of colonizers, giving workers pretty decent rights), but overall they were just some of the worst scum to have ever walked the earth.
  2. His life should be remembered indeed, as example how not to do things. He was pretty much the exact opposite of the Apartheid, just as terribly racist but the other way around (among others, of course it wasn't only about skin color, also black people who happened to have the bad luck to be from another ethnic group were massacred in I believe the 80's). What started out as something good (get their independence) went awfully wrong pretty quickly. One of the worst war criminals and breaker of simple human rights in history is now dead.
  3. Robert Mugabe, known as one of the more racist and overall horrible dictators ever, is dead. How sad.
  4. I'm a secret fan of 11:11 and 22:22
  5. Oh you take that freaking back man We have the Vaalserberg and 'berg' means mountain, so here to your 'your country has no mountains'
  6. Too bad, but an acceptable reason And 20km race walk is better than no race walk
  7. I could mention some major cycling races but I doubt that's gonna help you much
  8. Bonus points for going to the race walk, but you're sure you can't go to the generally way more epic 50k? Especially because this might literally be the last chance in your life to ever see that at a major event.
  9. [hide] Second Round September 6th - September 9th, 2019 16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals Group I Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 6th 2019, h. TBD Poland 15 Russia September 6th 2019, h. TBD Argentina 20 Venezuela September 8th 2019, h. TBD Poland 10 Argentina September 8th 2019, h. TBD Venezuela 15 Russia Group J Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 6th 2019, h. TBD Spain 5 Italy September 6th 2019, h. TBD Serbia 20 Puerto Rico September 8th 2019, h. TBD Spain 10 Serbia September 8th 2019, h. TBD Puerto Rico 5 Italy Group K Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 7th 2019, h. TBD United States 5 Greece September 7th 2019, h. TBD Brazil 10 Czech Republic September 9th 2019, h. TBD United States 5 Brazil September 9th 2019, h. TBD Czech Republic 10 Greece Group L Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 7th 2019, h. TBD France 5 Lithuania September 7th 2019, h. TBD Australia 5 Dominican Republic September 7th 2019, h. TBD France 5 Australia September 7th 2019, h. TBD Dominican Republic 10 Lithuania [/hide]
  10. And the likes of Lyles and Fraser-Pryce and Taylor and Claye, booooo. Terrible!
  11. Not specifically a fan, but I like the Minnesota Vikings since Marshall of How I Met Your Mother liked the Minnesota Vikings (and an epic epic last second playoff win helped)
  12. Cool, the girls had some useful races in Argentina last month then because they were sure it was looking like only one of them would go. So I can say with 95% certainty that means Manex Silva (Spanish-based), Rhaick Bonfim, Taynara da Silva and Eduarda Ribera will be going to Lausanne
  13. Now waiting for half the other WR's being broken within a few months there Forget Aguascalientes, there's a new track for free bonus speed in town
  14. Because someone posting the craziest conspiracy theories and cool selfmade GIFs and so on hates attention...
  15. This is final? I'm still really surprised about the two girls quotas...I mean, they've got some teenage girls working hard, but generally they were far behind and only one has been getting significantly closer..
  16. The Dutch were not very good when the 100m, which actually is skating in one direction, was a World Cup event.
  17. Final climb of the day coming up and well, this looks fun (for anyone not on a bike, that is).
  18. I hate IAAF's scheduling so much, fuck them.
  19. That's surprisingly untrue I've noticed
  20. Plus this: the under-20 category.
  21. Well yeah, I really don't think anyone who seriously is into athletics thinks Carl Lewis of all people was clean, do they?
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