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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And then it's Rein Taaramae of all people taking the spoils Today it's a sprint, which according to the official profile will be a final uphil kilometer, but in reality will be maybe 300m of a slight upwards trajectory but nothing too special, and so fine for normal sprinters.
  2. Great, gotta love having Olympics events which can't possibly be quantified in any legitimate way
  3. If I'm not mistaken, it's basically a matter of who the judge finds more 'cool', and there aren't really any actual scoring criteria/deductions/etc.
  4. It sort of makes it feel like "Oh, nothing new" and so closing the tab when opening the main page But if it's something from the builders of the forum software, there's not much we/you can do about it, and we'll get used to it
  5. Not this total bullshit again. Yes, Biden is partially at fault. But no, Trump is absolutely not free from any blame in this, not even close. If it were up to Trump, the result would have been the same, only a year earlier.
  6. That turn looks less dangerous to me than some of the parts afterwards, where it feels like it's too tight for a high-speed race (combined with some turns). Curious though.
  7. Huh, never heard of that before. Is there any reason to actively de-activate licenses during the summer? Surely a country like Canada doesn't need to save the handful of dollars in fees, considering they're big enough to have 30-40 pairs of skis (or more)......per athlete?
  8. This plus incompetence is what has been given as explanations the most here, combined with a total lack of motivation to fight for some centralized government they've got no connection with whatsoever. A sort of comparison I saw somewhere: "As if China decided that 28 and a half random European countries are now one country, followed by Thailand deciding who is the president of that and Brazil saying that Minsk is now the capital. Good luck finding people in (formerly) Norway or Belgium who are motivated to fight for said government in Minsk, even if officially it's the same country now."
  9. Especially such a large basically took, what, a week? I think I read a message from last week Friday that they took the first provincial capital and now Kabul has fallen within a day. Then again, if you get almost literally zero resistance, all you need to do is walk through the open door... Any word on why nobody really resisted them at all? There's plenty of people having opinions and thoughts on that here of course, but I'm more interested in what 'regional social media' says about it, since that's probably more realistic..
  10. Gerd Der Bomber MĆ¼ller has passed away aged 75, one of the most prolific goalscorers in history.
  11. The question is, what will happen now? Especially for example for women and their chances for normal lifes (meaning, education, somewhat free choices, not needing some male relative simply to walk the street, and so on)? It's hard to imagine the current situation will mean the lives of regular Afghan people will magically improve with extremists like Taliban in force.
  12. And that's the end of Ghani as president. Two days was optimistic as well, I guess, especially when one barely even has to fight to get into a capital. It's like a football match where 10 of the 11 players of one team decided to sit down because they'll lose anyway
  13. And there we go, Taliban has entered Kabul. Doesn't look like they're getting any serious resistance anywhere anyway, sadly, since basically the entire Afghan 'army' is fleeing and/or surrendering immediately. Two months was a positive guess earlier this week, it won't even take two days..
  14. Yep, which is why I wasn't a (big) fan of him neither. The best or at least most enjoyable champions show up outside of only the one or two big events as well. Which is entirely their own choice, obviously.
  15. Too bad organizers of big Diamond League meets and such would never pay a good amount of money for an unknown athlete like the Olympic 100m champion....
  16. We're all here cheering for Croatia's main star, Autistic Go
  17. Good luck to Ujah though, since he tested positive for this and something else
  18. Boxing and definitely, absolutely wrestling Because technique is important, like in any sport, but strength, endurance and training hours simply are important too. And just to clarify, I don't mean this as anything towards Bulgaria at all, just specifically about the sports Sadly there is basically no sport where some form of doping (be that beta blockers to steady the nerves and hands, good old blood transfusions or whatever steroids) doesn't give some form of advantage.
  19. Well yeah, in basically every sport even with doping you still need some serious degree of talent and a shit ton of dedication (even if in this case it's the wrong kind of dedication) to put in the work, simply because generally doping doesn't automagically make you faster or stronger, but because it makes you be able to train more and/or harder. There's really barely any sport where doping would not have an advantage. Even if the advantage is relatively small, that can still make the difference between being someone who sometimes reaches the top-20 or something and being a serious medal contender, since differences at the top are often small.
  20. Well yeah, in basically every sport even with doping you still need some serious degree of talent and a shit ton of dedication (even if in this case it's the wrong kind of dedication) to put in the work, simply because generally doping doesn't automagically make you faster or stronger, but because it makes you be able to train more and/or harder. There's really barely any sport where doping would not have an advantage. Even if the advantage is relatively small, that can still make the difference between being someone who sometimes reaches the top-20 or something and being a serious medal contender, since differences at the top are often small.
  21. Like what, checkers and competitive eating?
  22. There we go
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