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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Weird bit of coincidence: in 2012, Thomas Voeckler won two Tour de France stages. In one he beat Sørensen, in the other it was Michele Scarponi who came in second.
  2. Former Danish pro Chris Anker Sørensen has died, aged 37 He was hit by a car in Belgium, where he was supposed to be co-commentator for Danish TV for the world championships, starting tomorrow. Great domestique in his career, mostly at CSC/Tinkoff-Saxo.
  3. Women's boulder final is about to start, top-6 of today's semi: It does feel like a rather devalued world championships, but it's a world championships nonetheless so let's go
  4. The Morkov/Hodeg duo kinda screwed up today in Slovakia, so the next level got a chance to fight for the win: it was Kaden Groves beating out Kristoffer Halvorsen. Might be Groves' best win of his career, and it's his second this week after winning the prologue. Edit: Huh, it was the other way around, Halvorsen took the win. That was close
  5. Not bad to see some serious action being taken against that nonsense.
  6. Finals are well underway in Snowshoe, with downhill wins for Reece Wilson and young Valentina Höll, a first for both. Yesterday Victor Koretzky and Evie Richards won the shorttrack races, Flückiger's 5th place was enough to clinch the overall World Cup, which Lecomte already has in the women's field. Today there's the final downhill races, tomorrow the final cross-country Olympic races.
  7. Is there an actual timetable or something yet? Both World Archery and the organizers don't really seem to be putting much online other than a general schedule of which event is on which day.
  8. Oh come on, not again As if Sagan never rides tactically. Steimle was logically playing the Hodeg card, as he should. It was Sagan's race to win, so it is entirely normal to let him work for it, one sees that in so many races with so many riders. It's how the sport works. Just like Colbrelli barely did any meter of front work in the European championships against Evenepoel. That's not 'not classy' and definitely not 'dirty', it's tactics. Cycling isn't about going 100% all the time Anyhow, new chance for Sagan today, the stage seems to be a little harder. Shorter climbs than yesterday, but those of yesterday weren't really hard at all, so the likes of Hodeg could fairly easily make it to the last kilometer in the lead group. Today should be a bit better chance for Sagan, although I'm a little surprised none of the stages seems to be 'made' for him. Even the Tour de France has had (way) more perfect Sagan-stages thoughout the years, but who knows. I hope he gets a win, the fans deserve it.
  9. I guess these things will start to look better once it's filled with snow, the grandstands are in place, all the Olympic decoration is done, there are people, and so on. Right now - or at least on the photos - of course most still look like giant, half-finished building projects, but surely that'll get better
  10. Haha, Jannik Steimle of all people beating Sagan in a crazy finish yesterday Everyone thinking Hodeg would take the win, as would be entirely expected on this stage, but half the lead group crashed in the last corner. Not too heavy, they just went down Third place for Hodeg, who didn't crash, but was held up for a bit.
  11. So theoretically, someone could go and get dozens of shots and nobody would know it? That sounds somehow dangerous
  12. And about Slovakia: couldn't see much of the regular stage other than the final 20km or so, but that prologue was awesome! Finally a pro race with a real prologue again, don't see that very often
  13. Not a single win since the 2018 Amstel Gold Race and this week he wins the Giro Della Toscane on Wednesday AND the Coppa Sabatini on Thursday Great shape going towards the world championships, although Colbrelli is a big danger there as well. I know he's riding for Bahrain and so he has a magical year like basically everyone there, but damn, what a shape he has.
  14. I'd already be very positively surprised if we're going to see a decent number of Chinese spectators, it was barely a month ago since reports were convinced there would not be a single spectator and everything would be even way tighter and stricter than it was in Tokyo...these latest things sound very hopeful!
  15. 2017 Asian champion Albert Linder of Kazakhstan has died, aged 25.
  16. I assume there is some sort of registration though? I mean, surely when you show up you show your identification, they can see if you've had a shot or two already? It makes quite a difference whether someone has had 0 shots or went to these things for fun and had 30 already, one can assume The option to just show up out of the blue does sound good, but it does increase the need for strict registration..
  17. Wow, I honestly hadn't expected Brazil to have a chance of reaching 90% before we do, considering the way it was only a short while ago The Netherlands is at barely 80% and it's not going up so fast anymore. My town is the national number one (by a huge margin) in terms of new cases per capita by the way, largely thanks to this being a very Christian town (and so vaccinations being less welcome). Not surprisingly, the small superstrictly Christian town a few kilometers away, also part of the administrative reach of my town, is the main source of all this, with barely 30% vaccinated. Combine that with their usually large families and close contacts and there you go. And to make it better, our mayor (member of the superstrict Christian party) came up with a statement a week or two ago to tell everyone to get vaccinated. Great, but one detail: he isn't and won't be vaccinated, 'because that would put me on an emotional crossroads' But in general things aren't going that bad. It's a bit annoying that we will get a pass in two weeks, meaning you need to either have proof of vaccination or negative testing before even getting into a restaurant, like other nations had for a long while and are starting to be done with it, but sure
  18. Most Europeans are disgusted by this as well, and rightly so. But this kind of easy hunt-and-murder is fine as long as it's called tradition, so yeah, nothing to worry about it for them. They'll be able to happily slaughter more and more next year
  19. The rollerski world championships start today in Val di Fiemme, but it doesn't seem like there is any live streaming....not even on the FIS Roller Skiing channel
  20. Not even a little bit the big favourite
  21. 18-year old huge talent Thibau Nys takes the European U23 title.
  22. The whole thing about the Diamond League rankings being useless and only the final counting to decide the champion didn't exactly work in terms of attracting great fields everywhere, did it? Especially in the men's long jump and women's shot put it truly felt like some random midweek event somewhere on a far-away field hidden from view The women's high jump though
  23. I feel like I should be able to score pretty high there!
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