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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. This has a thrown away gold medal written all over it again for the Dutch women What a bunch of.....not great tactics.
  2. Blanka Vas is riding a fantastic race as well @Vektor
  3. The plan was to give all of them a chance to get away until roughly 1,5 lap before the end. If none of them did, it'd be everything on Vos. But yeah, it's the Dutch women's team. I can hardly see anyone working for anyone else unless they're actual teammates (vdBreggen, vdBroek-Blaak, Pieters and Vollering vs Van Dijk and Brand, with Vos and Van Vleuten being the lone wolfs).
  4. To be fair, that's not that new. She already focussed 99% on time trials before the Olympics and the Olympic time trial was her main career goal, but something about no Austrian quota there and a quota in the road race led to her doing only the road race. She's not made a secret (even before the Olympics) out of simply being very uncomfortable with riding in a peloton, which is why she didn't do a ton of road races in the first place. She had six international competitions in 2019: five time trials and one road race, which was the Austrian national championships she won and in which she probably didn't spend much time - if any at all - in a large group. Last year she had two time trials, a 7-day stage race, another time trial and one more road race and before Tokyo she only had the Austrian champs (ITT and road race). It's not new, and she's not making a secret out of why it is.
  5. Three road races, nine medals....nine different countries
  6. USA's Kaia Schmid and Great Britain's Zoe Backstedt, who is at least twice Schmid's size, for the junior women's world title.
  7. Dutch commentators were wondering how much of a junior team they'll be able to build
  8. Mixed feelings about Baroncini winning: Cool to see an Italian win by actually winning this time, after the 2019 debacle Sad to see he stayed ahead of the group, because Eritrea's Biniam Girmay pulled yet another fantastic sprint out of his legs and took silver I mean, that is definitely awesome and no doubt historic, but it'd have been even more awesome and historic if Baronicini wasn't ahead of them Obviously it's not at all like Girmay is a huge surprise or anything, he has shown for quite a while already that he is a seriously talented rider worthy of riding in the World Tour, but it's still really cool to see Eritrea get a medal. And just to clarify: Baroncini absolutely deserved the win, that was perfect timing!
  9. What a show by Hagenes, by far the strongest when it mattered. Let's see, in a few years, if this is the one who can make the next step
  10. Damn, that's quite a ban. He basically never had any result worth remembering, even with doping. Nice.
  11. Looks like Edgaras Zekas and Jomantas Venckus might have overslept....both DNS, but here they are.
  12. Not even 10km in and after the restart we've already got two more significant crashes. Come on guys
  13. Men's junior race is underway for barely 40 meters and we've got quite a large crash.
  14. Not like it's likely to change or be different though. They've been the huge favourite ever since it was clear that 2025 would go to Africa and only Rwanda and Morocco were candidates.
  15. The 2025 world championships, as was expected (and hoped), have been awared to Kigali Sure, politically it's not exactly great that another (semi?)dictatorship gets it, but for the people in a cycling-crazy country it is absolutely fantastic and the atmosphere will no doubt be truly magical! Plus it could simply be a great race, which can be incredibly hard. Twelve times a 21km lap would be perfectly possible with over 5000 'altitude meters'.
  16. Meanwhile, the French women nearly kicked out the South Koreans. Nearly.
  17. Huh, the quote button for the post above links to the tweet instead of quoting the post, wtf Anyhow: what did CONCACAF expect from a cocaine smuggler and allround criminal, that he would not try to bribe anyone?
  18. Interesting to realize his last individual podium is already from nearly 7 (!) years ago. Time seriously flies I kinda thought he had already retired, completely missed/forgot that he competed last season in a few World Cups (without success). Last week I saw super-one-day-fly Thomas Diethart is also still competing. Good that he is at least physically fine again after his horror crash.
  19. You can add Brazil to that list as well. They're making short lists of athletes who could qualify and one requirement to be on the short list is to be fully vaccinated. Not on the short list = not going to the Olympics.
  20. And only three years or so after the other medalist of both those Games, Litvinov.
  21. Former hammer thrower and double Olympic medalist Jüri Tamm has passed away. With that, the entire 1980 and 1988 Olympic podium - all-Soviet - has passed away in barely three years.üri_Tamm
  22. Fun, the new episode of Novak got released
  23. Alleged gang members, one might add. Carrying KFC takeout.....and roughly 100.000 dollars in cash, one might add as well.
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