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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The 'hero' for Thomaz de Moraes if I'm not mistaken We're cheering for Thomaz here, since he's representing the Brazilian winter sports world in these Summer Paralympics, and might have a (especially for Brazil) rare chance to win a medal at the Summer and Winter Olympics consecutively!
  2. Apparently they've done six races already. Luuc van Opzeeland leading the men's competition, Helene Noesmoen in the lead in the women's field.
  3. I don't think so. All these links do nothing, basically: The intention for today is to sail four races back to back, so let's see.
  4. Just whoever is in the WhatsApp groups but that doesn't seem like a reliable way to make an entry list With the results here you can at least get some names: It was also just announced that racing will start as scheduled today
  5. So far, wind is preventing any form of racing in the first two days, other than a 'fun speed competition' which was of course nothing official.
  6. @MHSN Any word anywhere on Ali Ghasem Babaei? Looked like he made some sort of missed step in the 100m heats, but continued, and then got injured worse. Looked....odd, but also very painful
  7. It was about 'this will not be good for Paris 2024 because a historic sport will not be on the program', which led to how it most likely won't matter at all for Paris 2024 as a whole.
  8. Somehow I am assuming live streams are as per usual geoblocked here because somethingsomething has the rights and won't show it? Edit: Hold on, the morning session is actually available on YT
  9. And always things of which you just know that somewhere in the past few years he said something that suggests the complete opposite But good for him, after almost falling into nothingness, his Fox buddies managed to get the yelling grandpa some attention again
  10. Absolutely, but I think it's fair to say weightlifting is, globally speaking, just not a huge sport in terms of viewing numbers. There's a strong and dedicated following, but I truly wonder which percentage of all the Olympic viewers watched even one second of weightlifting in the past few Olympics.
  11. Normally, no. But considering this has been in the air for a long time and IWF is just somehow managing to make it worse on a near-daily basis, I'm kind of expecting that, yes. Not that it would matter for Paris 2024 as a whole of course. Terrible for the athletes, sad for weightlifting fans, but other than that, I highly doubt anyone will really care. And that's not even thinking about probably 90% - at least - of the Olympic viewers who won't even know it was gone until it's back in LA 2028 (if they'll even notice the existence then).
  12. Or in the beginning. Yeah, clearly not two people who had a normal breakup and at least can still say hi without anger and those things
  13. Positive thoughts buddy, positive thoughts! Post the streams of the Slovak matches here please
  14. And also that it's La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Europe's own Cheboksary
  15. Forgot Poland and Denmark, but I've caught up on those today and yesterday Also, this week we have the Tour de l'Avenir, where future star and huge favourite Juan Ayuso sadly crashed out today.
  16. For which they are receiving shit tons of (deserved) criticism inside their own country.
  17. Excellent gold medal, which is a decent result for a nation where youth/junior sports just isn't as important as it is in many other nations. Dutch athletes often only get better once they get professional guidance, which usually just starts later
  18. Tragic...'good' to see at least Yousufi managed to get out in time, as far as there's anything 'good' in all of this
  19. I guess this can be changed to right now...don't think there's a big chance the team made it out of Afghanistan towards Jordan already?
  20. Another federation with old flags, IBU-style Georgia No Yugoslavia yet though.
  21. And then it's Rein Taaramae of all people taking the spoils Today it's a sprint, which according to the official profile will be a final uphil kilometer, but in reality will be maybe 300m of a slight upwards trajectory but nothing too special, and so fine for normal sprinters.
  22. Great, gotta love having Olympics events which can't possibly be quantified in any legitimate way
  23. If I'm not mistaken, it's basically a matter of who the judge finds more 'cool', and there aren't really any actual scoring criteria/deductions/etc.
  24. It sort of makes it feel like "Oh, nothing new" and so closing the tab when opening the main page But if it's something from the builders of the forum software, there's not much we/you can do about it, and we'll get used to it
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