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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. By the way, I see shooting doesn't only have a team trap event, but also team skeet. After a quick Google search, team skeet is not at all what I had in mind, damn
  2. Hopefully that's not at all realistic, because....why? Are men's floor and vault that bad?
  3. That is awesome And I knew about the Roller Games thread, but I think I was a bit busy with other things to follow that as well
  4. No side effects at all here neither, other than barely a day of feeling a very slightly 1cm sore spot where the needle went in In other news, Canberra going into strict lockdown.....because of one case. In a year.
  5. Huh, just now I noticed Kilty was in the team and so is in danger of losing silver..
  6. That'd be sad, it was way more enjoyable to watch than freestyle, where most of the time, well, not really much happened..
  7. As long as the focus is mostly on adding women's events and not replacing men's events, but I fear for that.
  8. Skateboarding downhill, is that what I think it is? Because that'd be extremely awesome Sure, not really 'Olympic' or something, but neither is breakdancing and that's on the program.
  9. Not sure if it actually is, but shouldn't it be way too late to still add events (or remove them) from the program?
  10. So yeah, Viñales screwed his career over. He has been withdrawn from this week's race in Austria due to potentially damaging behaviour with his bike during last week's race.
  11. Well no, that's basically how it was described in the interview I assume they meant something like "it was a lot of fun, with talking, dancing and such"
  12. Surprising or not, I was happy to see this many
  13. Just a little fun fact I just read in an interview with some Dutch players: the Netherlands beat Argentina in the final, but the same day there was a party in the Olympic village on a small field somewhere, with the Dutch women but also the Argentinian team, the British team and the Belgian men all talking, dancing and having general fun
  14. European championships in Serbian Novi Sad this weekend. Entry list, sort of, is here: Events/MTB XCO/2021_euromtb21_entry_v2.pdf Quite a lot of Slovaks @hckošice
  15. Still the same thing for Canada. The list of eligible athletes is presumably taken automatically from the FIS points list, and in the most recent one (from 1 July), oddly there is not a single Canadian athlete with valid points anymore. I have no idea how this is possible, since plenty of Canadians competed last season and so there should be plenty of Canadians in the points list. Meanwhile Thailand and Hungary are listed as having not enough eligible athletes for their quota, which I guess Hungary can still turn around, but Thailand (as expected, of course) will likely have to return one of their two women's quotas.
  16. By the way, only 329 events by the looks of it? So things get added, which means more than 10 events will be dropped compared to Tokyo? Eight of those coming from karate, one being the 50k, baseball/softball....what else?
  17. I honestly don't think anyone here seriously has a problem with trying to reach gender equality, the main issue is with how they're going about it and which things are being thrown away and replaced left and right.
  18. I honestly don't think anyone here seriously has a problem with trying to reach gender equality, the main issue is with how they're going about it and which things are being thrown away and replaced left and right.
  19. Thanks! Not perfect (since it shows only the best result of the year for an athlete, instead of all the best results, including multiple per athlete), but definitely useful Although I probably won't have the time to follow it all too closely, that's going to be a bit too much I'm afraid.
  20. Quite a lot in swimming and a few in athletics, but that was five years ago. I honestly have no idea how good the Dutch athletes - and more importantly, to predict well - the non-Dutch athletes are, it's usually too hard to really find good information about all the results (there's not something like World Athletics' top lists as far as I know). So, anything between 5 and 40 medals, I guess
  21. I think the update is not completely finished yet, like the things mentioned above are still missing (but surely can be brought back, I guess the update unchecked a box here or there?). Also, the whole site is still rather slow as of this morning, but I'm hopeful that will get better once things settle down or something Too bad the latest replies box isn't bolded for unread topics anymore, kinda makes it look like you're all caught up when actually you're not But luckily there is the 'Unread Topics' page to have as bookmarked Totallympics page instead of the main page.
  22. Because Totallympics was down all day and in the evening I didn't bother to check Welcome fellow winter sports fan
  23. No serious race walk event should have any 5k part though. That is just way too short and completely kills the whole point of the sport, it leads to things like Tom Bosworth's running 1 mile to set the 1 mile 'race walking' record. Actually, 20km is already too short, but alright. It'd be better to remove race walking altogether than to go for events where a single athlete does less than 20km in one race. One of the main reasons why 50k was so awesome is because race walking, more than anything, is about endurance, endurance, endurance.
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