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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. 130k to go and we've got basically a 12-man peloton.
  2. And Küng down hard, straight on his face in the unforgiving mess of sector 25. His third fall of the day.
  3. Nasty crash for Sagan and two as of yet unidentified riders, they nearly drowned.
  4. Haller finally made his way back after his puncture....and crashes.
  5. Pictures straight out of hell, what a race already
  6. Hagenes, Gregoire, Svrcek (@hckošice) among others in the small lead group in the junior race, three out of the top-4 of last week.
  7. Right on the day La Vie Claire's founder/manager passed away
  8. Jumbo-Visma is racing in a special anniversary jersey today. Great choice of race to do that, a wet Paris-Roubaix. Fantastic marketing. Super smart.
  9. I have watched all the stages on the Player on-demand Today's finish seems to be kinda downhill...hopefully planned a bit better than the first stage's finish?
  10. Philipsen, Wright, Kung, Moscon, Doull, Rowe, Declerq, Siskevicius, Van Hooydonk, Affini, Roosen, Erviti, Van Avermaet, Carvalho, Walscheid, Eekhoff, Sweeny, Maitre, Grignard, Mozzato, Van Asbroeck, Haller, Oss, Bissegger, Durbridge, Vermeersch Big tempo guys like Küng, Moscon, Rowe, Declerq, Haller and Oss, that's some serious stuff.
  11. It's after 10am after all, time to get drunk, apparently
  12. Roughly 365 meters done and that's the first fall of the day.
  13. Oh boy, Mons-en-Pévèle today And it's not the only one.
  14. Meanwhile the women have started in London. Let's go Salpeter
  15. Not knowing the Peace Marathon...for shame sir, for shame!
  16. Only when looking at it from the perspective of a more casual cycling viewer. Out of 16 World Tour races so far, Longo Borghini won two of them, Brown won one and Deignan took a win today, the rest all went to Dutch women, often in a rather dominating fashion. Basically in normal races, the Dutch women are far and above the rest, although that's not really important, since in normal races it's not about nationalities, but about teams. In races with national teams, they mess up because they're even less of a team than Israel and Iran would be.
  17. Yeah Vos isn't going to ride to the finish with a 55 per hour average in the last 10k
  18. Vos entering the wet Carrefour de l'Arbre full speed, as if it's entirely dry. Magician on the bike (which is not to say it can't still go wrong).
  19. And another big crash on a straight. Van Dijk, Majerus, Roy going down hard right when Vos has opened the (too late) counterattack, with only Longo Borghini in her wheel.
  20. Deignan with some impressive drifting
  21. This race is.....interesting I think Deignan may be the only one who hasn't fallen yet
  22. That will be resolved when the winter season starts though, no problem. It's not Canada, I believe it's not even really federations but athletes who tried this.
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