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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Meanwhile, World Superbikes in Misano.
  2. Annika Langvad out/in major trouble after the start loop! And nice to see Annemarie Worst here too, she is from my little hometown
  3. Jaqueline MourĂ£o is making her comeback today, I didn't see that before Kinda nervous to see how that's going
  4. Timing and start lists and stuff
  5. Yes and it's on TV here as well, but I meant live timing
  6. Yes, like I said, because Herlings missed 2 races
  7. Anyone knows where live timing can be found? As per usual, UCI's website is such a mess I wish all of these federations where just like IBU or FIS in terms of how easy it is to find results and live stuff.
  8. Yep, the only reason he might not win it is because he missed races due to injury, but apart from that he is just toying with each and every opponent this year, especially in the months before his injury.
  9. The king of motocross strikes again in Indonesia
  10. Great race again for Britain's biggest talent George Russell Although Callum Ilott is a serious contender for that title as well, possibly Enaam Ahmed and Lando Norris too but they are less impressive so far.
  11. Piquet vs Alesi for the win in the GP3 in Silverstone at the moment
  12. A 'When to nap' guide for every stage
  13. Yeah like I said earlier this World Cup: if that happens, we Dutch are never gonna hear the end of that No thanks
  14. I saw this before it was published Very nice
  15. [hide] Knockout Round June 30th - July 15th, 2018 16 Nations, Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Semifinals Date & Time Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 10th 2018, h. 21:00 (GMT+3) France 2 4 Belgium July 11th 2018, h. 21:00 (GMT+3) Croatia 3 0 England [/hide]
  16. @dcro and countrymen, good luck in keeping your heart going in the next few minutes
  17. Only having an anthem after the match sucks donkeyballs. It is the way to get the whole country vs country vibe going.
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