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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Simply looking at the title is overrated. Markelov has shown quite often to be a very competent driver in terms of things like tyre management and so on, which in F1 nowadays is a lot more important than simply raw speed. Norris has so much more to learn, he can be amazing in one lap and piss poor in the next. Russell is, in my opinion, ten times more talented and consistent than Norris.
  2. Markelov definitely should. He is a bit unstable sometimes, but has been one of the strongest F2 drivers for some time now.
  3. They didn't really have any other realistic options Maybe Albon, but at least Gasly is still a Red Bull-tied driver..
  4. Yeah This whole thing gives me just one main feeling, both for Wilders and for people reacting to his plan with death threat protests and whatnot:
  5. Damn it! I wrote it and I just knew there must be some town somewhere called 'Holand' but I didn't check it and I thought "nobody here is crazy enough to go and check that"
  6. That weirdo Geert Wilders (the hyper-blonde right dude) had the idea to have a Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad/Muhammed (the prophet) cartoon competition in Parliament. You know, freedom of speech and stuff like that. That was somewhere in May, so I guess news to Pakistan travelled by horse or something and they started protesting now Apparently one politician there said "give me a nucleair bomb and I'll wipe that country off the map".
  7. FINALLY some actually Brazilian looking clothes Ok, not the competition outfit yet if I'm not mistaken, but still, this is a big improvement already on the incredibly dull white suits with some green accents. Come on people, you're an exotic nation in winter sports, have exotic suits to show for it!
  8. Couple thousand people in Pakistan are protesting against the Netherlands by - among others - using death threat signs and, more interestingly, writing 'Holand' (no idea where that is, but it definitely isn't anywhere in Europe)
  9. Nine goals by a defender who entered the match 34 minutes before FT
  10. And confirmed. This is getting too ridiculous for words.
  11. That's a nice almost two years old news article
  12. Strange, I was assured earlier that the Koreans would almost 100% sure win all gold today
  13. Moldova, the Turkey of biathlon. Even Turkey has actual Turkish biathletes.
  14. Reminds me of Rim Jong-sim at the 2015 Worlds.
  15. I'm putting some money on surprising Indonesian medals
  16. Now let's see if she too will be out of a job forever within days. One would definitely say so, considering that's what happened with the other accused people
  17. It was so close a few years ago. Oh well, I'm convinced one day it'll happen again, global warming doesn't mean literally every winter will be too warm Meanwhile Van der Weijden had breakfast today with a cold pizza He was planning to sleep 1,5 hour earlier tonight (on one of those floating 'beds'), but kept waking up so he decided to get back to swimming
  18. 2008 Olympic open water champion Maarten van der Weijden is swimming a bit over 200 kilometer these days to get money for cancer research (the illness he had before his gold medal). He started yesterday morning around 4am and is expected to finish somewhere late tomorrow Live stream: He's following the 'Eleven Cities Tour' course, which is this wonderful, legendary speed skating race (which sadly hasn't been held in over 20 years already because of a lack of real winters):
  19. It's WTA, she can go to 1st place and back to 48th next year She lost in the 1st round of the US Open last year, so only one win is already enough to move up in points and in current form it's not unrealistic to expect a bit more..
  20. Because the only other option there is working for shirt dot gov, obviously.
  21. Because Norwegians are hardcore and don't give two f*cks about a bit of cold Besides, have you seen how the Norwegian outdoor looks? I don't care if it's -10 degrees man, I'd prefer that over any indoor court every day of the year
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