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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Always a fan of Alex Wilson and his monstersized head
  2. Serious breakthrough season for Houlihan
  3. When seeing an athlete jump 8.37m is disappointing...
  4. If I'm not mistaken, Samba is the first ever to go under 48 seconds six consecutive times
  5. Kejelcha has to get some sort of ban for that, dude
  6. I can't find anything about it
  7. After this American medal, I have a feeling Bouju might give us a British medal as well It might help them to feel a bit more comfortable: they were feeling a bit of shame and embarassment for not speaking any word of Dutch between their Dutch teammates.
  8. I had no idea she once jumped almost 7 meters Even more surprising (for me), I had no idea Ibarguen is also a very talented high jumper, with a 1.93 PB and very good results in the juniors and in South American competitions until not that long ago
  9. Not even the starting gun is working properly, half the field ran despite a false start
  10. Simply sweating doesn't make you lose significant weight (in that moment, yeah, which is why boxers/weightlifters/MMA fighters etc use it, but not long term, that's just dehydration).
  11. On the other hand, our friend @Gianlu33 does like a bunga bunga party now and then
  12. Yeah and if you take a bath in the sand you just stop eating normal food so you lose weight. Duh.
  13. Exactly, and I wonder how I've managed to go from 100kg to 80kg between May and (early) December last year
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