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Everything posted by NearPup

  1. Zagitova is out of this world technically but god is she a bore to watch. I really hole Medvedeva pulls it out.
  2. This is obviously a disapointing performance from Germany. Belarus was able to beat Sweden in regulation, Germany was so weak they required overtime. Sweden is a really easy opponent to play in the quarterfinals when they win their group so really the game should have been a walkover. The fact the game went to overtime is really emblematic of how terrible German sthletes have been during these Olympics. More seriously, what is up with Sweden at the Olympics? They won their group in 2002, 2010, 2014 and 2018 (first seed iverall after the group phase in every one of those years except 2010 where they where the second seed). It’s strange how Swedish teams seem to gell really quickly then fall apart later. Bold prediction: Canada is going to get at least a silver medal in men’s hockey.
  3. I guess she did have a shot at gold in 2014 that she let go with a rather... sloppy final run.
  4. Really disappointed for Elana Meyers Taylor, if it couldn't be Humphries I was hoping it would be her. She's been so consistent over the last eight years. Oh well.
  5. Canada is bound to always have a fourth place finish in this event xD
  6. Who wants to tell him Germany is well within striking distance of setting the record for most gold medals in a single Winter Olympics?
  7. The fall from del Bosco is really scary... I really hope he’s okay.
  8. To be honnest I think it’s a miracle she isn’t in a vegetative state, that accident was very nearly fatal. Glad to hear she is improving.
  9. Congratulations to Goggia for her gold medal! Now we can all close the stream, change the channel and watch something else because there is no way for anyone in bib 20 or higher to win
  10. Fair play to the Dutch, if there was ever a performance that deserved to win a medal out of the B finals it was this one.
  11. Well, I don’t think I’ll be happier about any other medal at these Olympics. What an incredible capstone to Virtue and Moir’s career. I honestly didn’t think they could do it.
  12. There's going to be more than like three people attempting 1080s I can promise you that xD
  13. Ya, it's more or less the same kind of tricks you see in men's snowboard halfpipe. Also way more amplitude than the women's. Men's ski half pipe is slightly behind men's snowboard half pipe in terms of difficulty, but I personally prefer ski freestyle to snowboard freestyle visually so eh
  14. Well deserved gold from Cassie Sharpe, she had the best amplitude and the most difficulty. I'm usually not super impressed by women's ski halfpipe (I think it's the weakest of the ten "newschool" freestyle ski / snowboard events in the Olympics) but she delivered. Amazing way for Marie Martinod to end her illustrious career, too. Respect to her.
  15. Disagree with the decision for bronze, but it was pretty close.
  16. Marie Martinod has the best banter while waiting for her scores (across all events, not just women's half pipe), and it's not close.
  17. It’s too bad ski cross wasn’t at the Olympics in 2006 when David and Kraus where at the height of their dominance. I believe if Framce has an alternare on site they can compete, otherwise there will just be one less athlete (we are already down to 26 from 32 due to declined quotas).
  18. No, this is just how she skis. Her strategy is to not fall to finish ahead of anyone who has two falls.
  19. Ya know what would have prevented her from qualifying? Allowing countries to send a maximum of 40 athletes rather than 30 But of course we can’t have that, would be a tragedy if Hungary couldn’t get the fifth realocation.
  20. Huh, gold medal game is early in the morning Korean time. Gee, I wonder why xd
  21. If Colombia keeps investing in speed skating they may very well end up winning medals, they have a ridiculous depth of tallent in inline. This is a very promising start.
  22. There is something kind of poetic about this result, with the most dominant driver over the last four years (Friedrich) being in a tie with the most dominant driver of the season (Kripps). They both deserved it.
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