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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2019 in all areas

  1. She improved her PB by 14cm, at age of 25, I doubt if she is clean
    6 points
  2. I propose also :XML :XLS :DOC :PDF and :HTML :D
    5 points
  3. Might interest a few people: historic placing table since 1983 (olympic games or worlds) Only selected countries (so no Slovakia )
    4 points
  4. OMG!!! Finally we are back at the Olympics!!! First Irish showjumping team since Athens 2004. What a ridiculous sentence but true. So so so many times we missed out by one place and a time penalty or hundredths of a second and last time we had the debacle of a steward running in front of our horse meaning we missed out on time. So let me let out years of pent up frustration...... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Feel so sorry for Italy, I know how it feels. But it was finally our turn, after 16 years of waiting!!
    4 points
  5. Up to three. 1) Frasca will probably qualify through the all-around. 2) Ait Said (still rings) must finish in the top 3 among nations that did not qualify a team. So far we have Turkey, Greece and probably Italy in the final; if Italy doesn't qualify a team, that makes 4 eligible gymnasts ( Ait Said, Çolak, Petrounias and Lodadio) for 3 quotas. And tomorrow we'll probably have qualifying for the final, what makes it even more confusing. 3) Tommasone could qualify through the pommel horse, if he makes it to the final (he's currently 4th). Once again, we should worry about nations without a qualified team, and is already one of them. Probably or or even could qualify and make things confusing too.
    2 points
  6. From live commentary lol
    2 points
  7. It is expect that and will finish ahead of Brazil. Then there's and with good teams too, and maybe all of them could sneak ahead of Germany. I would say that even has a small chance of qualifying, but definitely not . As it is, only and are in safe positions for qualifying, though I believe should not worry too much either. Not so sure about , though.
    2 points
    2 points
  9. Guys why you always have to fall in stupid trap ?
    2 points
  10. Sure. I know and I think it would be more fair, but the thing is the WR is now listed as SVK, even if it´s weird, it´s just a fact However more weird was the fact that the SVK NR in Javelin Throw was listed Ján Železný...IAAF had really a lot of troubles in the early 90s figuring everything when a gazillion of new countries became independent
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Shot put isnt dirty, its just a new technique.
    2 points
  13. Ireland qualifies a full cavalry for the first time.
    2 points
  14. This is the condition. If a gymnast doesn't make the final, no chance to qualify in this apparatus. If gymnasts from more than 3 nations that did not qualify a team manage to reach the final in a single apparatus, we will have to wait until event finals to see who will finish in the top 3 (among nations without a qualified team). This is very unlikely to happen, but there's a slight possibility in men's vault. If a nation fails to qualify a team, but is able to qualify one gymnast for the Olympics through the all-around ranking and more than 2 other gymnasts for the event finals, there is a specific rule stating that only three will be able to qualify. Once again, extremely unlikely to happen, and I only see a very small possibility of this happening with Turkey.
    2 points
  15. And now it's over... After endless disappointments, Ireland is finally back!! Congratulations!
    2 points
  16. Hassan after her insane 1500m: "I was angry, I'm a clean athlete and I wanted to show the world what clean means and how far you can get with hard work." Yeah that didn't work so well if you go on and run Chinese turtle soup times
    2 points
  17. TEAM UNITED STATES Monica Abbott (Pitcher) Ali Aguilar (Infield) Valerie Arioto (Infield) Ally Carda (Pitcher/Infield) Amanda Chidester (Catcher) Rachel Garcia (Pitcher/Infield) Hayley McCleney (Outfield) Michelle Moultrie (Outfield) Dejah Mulipola (Catcher) Aubree Munro (Catcher) Bubba Nickles (Utility) Cat Osterman (Pitcher) Janie Reed (Outfield) Delaney Spaulding (Infield) Kelsey Stewart (Utility) Source:
    1 point
  18. Ireland Crowned 2019 FEI Nations Cup Champions - Showjumping Team Qualify For 2020 Olympics It was a glorious day for Ireland in Barcelona on Sunday as the Irish showjumping were crowned the 2019 FEI Nations Cup Champions and with it booking their place at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Under the guidance of Chef d'Equipe, Rodrigo Pessoa, the Irish quartet of Peter Moloney (Chianti's Champion), Paul O'Shea (Skara Glen's Machu Picchu), Darragh Kenny (Balou Du Reventon) and Cian O'Connor (PSG Final) delivered 4 strong rounds, finishing on just a single time fault for their team total at the end of the competition. Ireland not only captured the title of 2019 FEI Nations Cup Champions and the €1.25 million prize money for victory, but they grabbed the prize they wanted most.... those final tickets for the 2020 Olympic Games and with it ending 16 years of heart-break and near misses. It's the first time since Athens 2004 that Ireland have qualified a showjumping team for the Olympics and the race will now be on to make the team for Tokyo 2020. It also means that Ireland will field the full compliment of riders across all 3 equestrian disciplines at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics with Ireland already qualifying teams in both eventing and dressage. Amazing result for Rodrigo and the guys, congratulations and good luck in Tokyo!!
    1 point
  19. Salazar when WADA launched investigation.
    1 point
  20. and don't forget the poor Lindon Victor, who was going to win a medal in Germany's beloved decathlon before throwing it out of the window with 3 NMs in the Discus Throw...
    1 point
  21. After 43 they rank the countries by alphabet , the S is far
    1 point
  22. 44th place in the medal table, not bad
    1 point
  23. I wouldn't consider it surprising. Third in London 2017, gold at European Champs, two girls in individual final.
    1 point
  24. Look at it from the positive side, we both are again tied in the medal table this year
    1 point
  25. I hope to see more and more African nations stealing medals from Ethiopia and Kenya.
    1 point
  26. Chistyakova used to be NR holder in triple jump though! Just ask @hckosice
    1 point
  27. I didnt watch the race of 1500 but cheryout is sucpicious for doping , i already posted this German video about Kenyan runners injecting EPO
    1 point
  28. Heike Dreschler still holds the NR.
    1 point
  29. Mihambo 7.30. Game over.
    1 point
  30. Cheriuyot trolled everyone! Lewandowski 3:31.46 - NR!!! Bronze!
    1 point
  31. Yes. Not even huge scores on pommel could save them now. They need 43.802 to outscore Italy, and this means 14.600 per routine. Impossible. But this opens up a very interesting scenario: if Onder finishes ahead of Arican in the all-around and Çolak qualifies for the event final on rings, three Turkish could qualify for the Olympics (Onder in the all-around, Arican in parallel bars and Çolak in rings).
    1 point
  32. Vargas through to the final
    1 point
  33. Okosun scored 0.166 on pommel horse.
    1 point
  34. You cannot qualify via apparatus if you are not in the final. Direct consequence is that a NOC cannot qualify more than one athlete unless they are pure specialist, because through all-around NOCs can qualify only one athlete. EDIT: all-around has higher priority, so if two athletes from the same nation can qualify through all-around, only the best ranked does. The other one can qualify via apparatus if a finalist, otherwise quota is reallocated to all-arounders
    1 point
  35. Yesss! So happy for Ireland. Finally they turned up when the pressure was was on
    1 point
  36. Cograts Ireland! It was really deserved. So sad that our guys will not be in Tokyo
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Well, if you can call avoiding a labor camp pointless...
    1 point
  39. Such a nail biter that I won’t watch. Will lie low all and maybe sneak a peek here!
    1 point
    1 point
  41. I thought the excellent results Chinese Taipei had achieved in past competitions this year were terrible overscores and totally exaggerated, but I was completely wrong. Look at what they did here! Not only they will qualify a full team for the Olympics, but they will also probably reach team final! Italy will probably not qualify a full team. I had high hopes for them, but it will be hard. Lodadio will also have a hard time reaching the rings final, so probably only one Italian will qualify for 2020. Bummer. Rhys McClenagham hit his routine! Ahaaa! This is surely enough for a medal, and Adam Steele also scored very decently and has a huge chance of qualifying through the all-around. After a major disappointment yesterday, two Irish gymnasts qualifying today is not bad at all! Anyone who scores over 78 points should qualify.
    1 point
  42. 250.093 for . Surely that's enough for Olympic quota. First since Tokyo 1964, incidentally.
    1 point
  43. 15.2 for Rhys McClenaghan!! He’ll easily make the final and looks on course for a medal and an Olympic quota!
    1 point
  44. Jovani bronza i bitni bodovi i bice ponovo treca na rang listi
    1 point
  45. Thanks God Gabriela is qualified @thiago_simoes There is any real chances that an men's Polish gymnast will qualify as well?
    1 point
  46. USA wins the women's final. Do you believe in miracles? I mean, what were even the odds of having both Oceanian football AND North American table tennis qualifications decided on the very same day?
    1 point
  47. One of the my favorite political cartoons.
    1 point
  48. 真不容易,一个人自己维护national thread。我也很喜欢杨皓然,虽然我不是步手枪项目的,但是他2014年的表现实在太惊人了。最近可能是在调整期吧。 加油!
    1 point
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