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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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1 hour ago, donerkebab said:

It is going to increase. I think it is gonna be 200 sth. tomorrow. I t was 47 yesterday. As a doctor I think im gonna be sick in 10 days too  

Turkey will be new hotspot after Italy imo.

Yes, no doubt about increase. :(

Cases are growing exponentially, when country reach a peak, then we can talk about improvement.

What is your field? Infectologists are first to be hit, but after few cases everybody is in danger.

Unfortunately, there are many potential hotspots. Italy still hasnt reach its peak, France and Spain are in great danger. Germany, Netherlands...Even Faroe Islands had unexpectedly high record yesterday. I can only pray that this pandemic wont claim many more lives. Present numbers are more than scary.

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11 hours ago, OlympicsFan said:

How do you know that? I always wonder why people for example take the brazilian or indian numbers seriously ... when you test noone you probably also won't find infected people ...

Once a country reaches community transmission stage, it is hard to hide that. Numbers can still be fudged but I think we  can make a fairly correct assessment of the stage a country is in. If you are a totalitarian regime like China/North Korea, it is still possible but in countries like Brazil/India with decent internet penetration we can be fairly sure that we have not reached community transmission stage. 

But in present situation, one simply never knows what could be the next hotspot. 

Edited by Dolby
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US has gone into stage 3 ( widespread localised transmission) ....... 


No signs of reduction in Europe ..... 


Countries like Canada, Brazil., Pakistan, Malaysia, seem likely to go into stage 3 ..... 



Corona seems king right now 

strength does not come from physical capacity but from an indomitable will. - Gandhi

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5 hours ago, Dolby said:

Once a country reaches local transmission stage, it is hard to hide that. Numbers can still be fudged but I think we  can make a fairly correct assessment of the stage a country is in. If you are a totalitarian regime like China/North Korea, it is still possible but in countries like Brazil/India with decent internet penetration we can be fairly sure that we have not reached local transmission stage. 

But in present situation, one simply never knows what could be the next hotspot. 

Numbers in Brazil have gone up way too fast to think it's only coming from outside by now.


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44 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Numbers in Brazil have gone up way too fast to think it's only coming from outside by now.

I made a small mistake in my post. I meant community transmission instead of local transmission. 


I think with huge restrictions on travel all over the world, what we are seeing now in Brazil or India or majority of nations not already in stage 3 is mainly local transmission only. Brazil's numbers are not steep enough to think that they are in community transmission stage. But, as we have seen in the past, one can never be sure. 


My point was about Brazil/India or for that matter any other nation's numbers reliability. There can be discrepancy in actual numbers but I think it is very hard for a country to cover up if it is already in community transmission stage. The numbers increase in that case would be too steep. 

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34 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

we can't leave home between 20pm and 5am


Apparently I've been living in a COVID-19 world for years then :p 


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Leader of the Dutch health authorities just briefed the politicians, and among other things presented this graph of the number of cases:





Red: No interventions, whatsoever (obviously not an option for any country)

Green: 'Maximum control', meaning strong precautions, the already way too often used 'social distancing', etc

Blue: Lockdown like in China, where there is a serious risk of the same thing happening, just later


He specifically mentioned Wuhan, which is still in a sort of lockdown situation and where it could be a matter of time for the virus to come back up once disruptive precautions have been lifted.


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