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Pan American Games 2023
8 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Each host is currently allowed to add one sport of local interest under the PanAm charter. (Toronto 2015 added women’s baseball, Lima 2019 added Basque Pelota I believe)


I didn't though Chile was good at that sport but they won silver at last year's Pan American Championship. Maybe they think they can steal a gold medal from Argentina.


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South American Beach Games 2019
On 15/03/2019 at 00:56, Olympian1010 said:

@vinipereira Do you plan to put the results on the results form? It would help my replay records for the games if you would.


Not really possible with that site, they really should organize the results by date.


Brazil won the gold in women's beach volleyball, I think it's our first medal here?


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Pan American Games 2019

According to Wikipedia, the only nations that have yet to win a medal at the Pan American Games are: :ARU  :IVB


The following nations never won a gold medal: :BAR  :BIZ  :BOL  :DMA  :GRN  :HAI  :HON  :NCA  :PAR  :SKN  :VIN


Do you guys think any of this will change this year? I guess Bolivia has a chance at a Racquetball gold?


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Pan American Games 2019

Let's remember the medal table from 2015:





Do we think the top 5 will be the same this year? I say there's a good chance, but Brazil should fight (once again) with Cuba for 3rd place. Also, I'm not too certain about Colombia. They did disappoint at the last Central American and Caribbean Games (at home!), staying behind Mexico and Cuba. I totally can see Mexico in 5th. Also, don't count out Argentina, which I think improved a lot the last few years. So 5th Place are among those three.


I wonder if the situation in Venezuela will have its implications in sports. I think it will have a impact, just don't know how big it will be (I wouldn't be a shock to see Venezuela out of the top 10). Chile I think will return to top 10 after two Games - Lima should be a better Pan Ams for them compared to Toronto. At first I was doubtful about Peru's chances, but the extra events should give them at least top 10 (it would be very disappointing otherwise).


Anyway, I think it will be something like this:


1. :USA

2. :CAN

3. :BRA

4. :CUB

5. :MEX

6. :COL

7. :ARG

8. :ECU

9. :PER

10. :CHI


What you guys think?


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South American Beach Games 2019
9 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Can anyone find entries, livestream information for the 2019 Suramericanos De Playa (2019 South American Games)

@konig @LDOG @vinipereira 


These Games aren't so important, so it's hard to find any information, maybe tomorrow they will update the results from first day.


Brazil is going with a team of 62 athletes in 9 sports, mostly youth athletes with the exception maybe of Beach Handball.


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Pan American Games 2019
1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

I haven’t heard/seen anything. The games aren’t taken seriously here, so it wouldn’t shock me if they decided not to go.


Just because the games aren't taken seriously in the US doesn't mean they (Team USA) don't care. More often that not they send their best team in many sports, even the ones that don't qualify for the Olympics. Just look at the Taekwondo competition of 2015, for instance, with multiple Olympic medalists.


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Pan American Games 2019
On 11/02/2019 at 02:18, mrv86 said:



:ARG +18

:ECU +18

:URU +18


What a debacle for Brazil in team sports, at least the committee won't spend money at teams that wouldn't get a medal anyway.


Still sad about the decision that didn't allow Brazil's participation in women's football, even though we had a good shot at a gold medal.


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Pan American Games 2019

Volleyball qualifiers for the Olympics will happen at the same time of the Pan American Games, so we can expect a subpar competition (more than usual) with many B/C teams - I wouldn't even be surprised if Brazil and other nations send some kind of youth team. Nice opportunity for Peru to try a gold medal here (Women's)?



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Pan American Games 2019
On 29/01/2019 at 01:08, mrv86 said:

And another complication for baseball qualification tournament: Mexico's opener against DR will not be played tomorrow because of problems of the Dominican team to get to Brazil :facepalm:


And now many matches (mostly from Group A) haven't been played because climate. Not great they chose Sao Paulo as hosts in the month that rains the most in the city :facepalm:


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Pan American Games 2019


COPACI confirmed the quotas for Cycling (pending only 1 BMX Freestyle quota in Women's that will go to Mexico, Colombia, Chile or Uruguay).


Wikipedia projections were mostly right except for Trinidad that actually has much more quotas than predicted. I've corrected everything in the first page.


Like @Olympian1010 said, I guess the nations will be free regarding the athlete's placements in Road/Track events.

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Pan American Games 2019
6 minutes ago, intoronto said:

Made up in that there is no info to suggest how many quotas per event (sprint Keirin etc.). So if that is not published, how are the qualified teams known?


Well, somebody must have this info, cause a while back I saw an article in portuguese saying that Brazil had qualified (so far) 7 athletes in Road/Track and that's exactly the number presented in the table.


Anyway, the qualification document says "The Pan American Cycling Confederation (COPACI) Continental Federation (CF) will confirm to Panam Sports and NOCs the places they have qualified, by January 15th, 2019." So maybe they already have this info? Can you e-mail them? :p


Anyway, when we have the list, I will separate the quotas of Road/Track in the first page and correct the mistakes.

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Pan American Games 2019
2 hours ago, intoronto said:

Well for road and track cycling, we can say that it's made up lol


I don't think so. Wikipedia has the combined results, which seem accurate


What is missing is a clarification of which quotas are "Road" and which ones are "Track", which I guess we will have soon with a confirmation by COPACI since the qualification system doesn't specify it like you said.


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Pan American Games 2019
1 minute ago, intoronto said:


Getting info is quite hard!


Wikipedia has a summary of the Surfing qualification:–_Qualification


I think the 2019 ISA World Longboard Championships is the only competition left to complete the qualification.


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Pan American Games 2019
49 minutes ago, intoronto said:

No news so far in skateboarding, but it looks like it was a poorly attended qualification event (no Canada or USA).


Brazil didn't participate either. Maybe these nations will be awarded quotas?


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