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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Course has a reputation for being a lung buster too.
  2. Right, that’s why suggested scheduling North American stops early in the season. It’s be cool if the first two World Cups rotated between North America and Asia each season.
  3. I really liked The Life Ahead. International category competition must be stiff if it didn’t make the cut.
  4. The IBU can’t grow the sport if they never leave Europe. Also, crowds were pretty good when the World Cup came to Soldier Hollow.
  5. Finally had a chance to watch today’s races. Pretty cool to see and snatch world titles. That pass by Ducek (hope I’m spelling that right) to advance into the big final might be one of the most insane things I’ve seen in while. Eguibar made raced the course perfectly throughout the day. He was finding places to shave time off left and right.
  6. This the is the problem I’m concerned with. The only solution that I could even see remotely making all parties happy, would be to have Canmore and Soldier Hollow be the two pre-holidays World Cups, and then have the tour pick up in Europe after the holidays. The main problem is that European fans/athletes complain anytime there’s World Cup stops in North America, and North American fans are always grumpy that the US/Canada only get host World Cups every 5 seasons or so, and generally at a point in the season, where half the athletes don’t show up.
  7. Does anyone know where streaming/replays can be found? There’s nothing on the ISU YouTube page, or on the Olympic Channel.
  8. Yeah, it was nice to see Soldier Hollow get another World Cup stop. I’m a little concerned about turnout since it’s at the end of the season after the European legs...
  9. Hello everyone. We’ve had the Totallympics News Service up and running for a few months now, and I’d like to get some feedback from users if possible. If you could give some reposes to the following questions that would be very helpful. Freely free to quote this and answer on this thread, or PM me your responses. What kind of articles/content, that have been published by the Totallympics News Service, do like? Is there any type of articles/content you’d like to see in the future? What type of articles/content, that were published by the Totallympics News Service, do you not like? How would you like to see us cover ongoing (live) events? (I ask because of recent discussion surrounding these articles.) I’d be super happy to get some responses, and we thank y’all for your support as always.
  10. Start lists for the sprints tomorrow. Beijing 2022 basic quotas on the line. Men: Women:
  11. It would be nice to see them at Beijing 2022.
  12. This highlights song is the same one that plays before IBSF broadcasts. That’s where you recognized it from @heywoodu
  13. 24 finishers out of 27 starters. Not bad at all
  14. Yay! The US didn’t get lapped. 12th today.
  15. That’s tough luck for Ukraine. They really deserved a podium today.
  16. NBC cut to a commercial during a live competition. They missed the entire second lap
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