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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Apparently I’m a dumbass becuase I have no clue. I believe Latitude is the vertical axis and longitude is horizontal, but I always confused the two when I was younger. So let’s just go with a question switch here.
  2. That would have also been incorrect. I is a first-person pronoun. You is a second-person pronoun. I’d never refer to myself as You, but I would refer to another person as you.
  3. Well, that’s not correct so thankfully this isn’t a test of your English knowledge. I trust your Dutch though, and appreciate the story. I’ll go with D. u @Quasit
  4. I’d rather have that 1,000 guaranteed than have nothing at this point. I’ve already been made fool, so let’s salvage the remaining self respect I have.
  5. I’d like to ask an expert, and I have an expert in mind. @heywoodu thoughts? this is my group lifeline, but there’s only one member of the group I care to hear from.
  6. I guess most people rather have 32,000 guaranteed if they can get there.
  7. Heywoodu is somewhat famously bad with names, so I’ll go with @dcro here.
  8. Yep, definitely don’t know that. Probably should, but don’t. I’ll go ahead and ask an expert here.
  9. I’m going to go with the pride of Canada, D. nickel back
  10. If we’ve learned anything from the earlier rounds of this game, it’s not to trust the “experts.” However, I choose the live life on the wild side, so I’m going with 4 life lines once more. I’ll go with the number 4 as well.
  11. Fuck it, I’ll take the hot seat.
  12. Matt was going suggest B as well based on language principles...
  13. There’s going to be quite the handful of disappointed users if @heywoodu doesn’t know this...
  14. I’m here to provide my “expertise” once more. I must admit this starting to feel like a convoluted method of getting me to question my own intelligence...
  15. Reporting indicates that there’s been a mass shooting a FedEx facility in Indiana.
  16. That’s absolutely right. It’s not just policing and gun proliferation either, it’s the lack of mental health services, the lack of healthcare, the lack of drug and alcohol addiction services, the lack of education opportunities, etc.
  17. Again, it’s not that hard to get a gun. If someone 18+ wants a gun, they can generally get one rather easily in most states. It’s also worth pointing out that in many cases it takes more training to become a plumber or beauty technician than to become a police officer, and there is something inherently wrong with that. If someone has to put in more training to hold a pair of scissors to my hair over holding a gun to my head, then that’s a serious problem. Source: We have insufficient healthcare, education, family support, mental health systems (among many, many other issues). My guess is that every American user on this forum knows someone who’s died because of a lack of healthcare, addiction to drugs, or who was a victim of gun violence (again, among other preventable causes). It’s a sobering and sad truth for most Americans.
  18. I posted about it in the US National Thread, but NBC Olympics (their online platform where you can access the OBS streams and other things during the Games) has these nice terminology breakdowns by sport. Here’s the one for skateboarding as an example: I think it’s a great feature. It should help the causal and less knowledgeable viewers at least understand each sport a little better. They also have a breakdown of the competition format and some other neat features to help people understand and follow all of the sports better.
  19. Well, I grew up watching skateboarding, so I’ll definitely be invested in its Olympic debut. It’s no secret that I’m a massive fan of Sports Climbing, so I’ll definitely be highly invested there. I haven’t watched much Surfing, but I’m definitely open to checking it out. I’ve watched plenty of Karate and Baseball/Softball at multi-sports games, so I know what to expect there. They aren’t my favorite sports, but I’ll give them a good look as well.
  20. The proliferation of guns should absolutely be a huge part of the coverage of this case. I don’t post about it, but little kids (5-12) die quite frequently from getting access to their parents guns and shooting themselves or friends.
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