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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. @dcro I think there should either be two bronze medal matches (a la combat sports) or a “Sprint for 6th-9th” (a la track cycling)
  2. I can hear the shouts of joy from Argentina all the way from California
  3. My personal votes were as follows: - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Reserve 1 - Reserve 2 - Reserve 3 - Reserve 4
  4. united states INDONESIA 12 HUNGARY 11 SERBIA 10 LITHUANIA 9 MALTA 8 BRAZIL 7 IRELAND 6 CANADA 5 FRANCE 4 KAZAKHSTAN 3 POLAND 2 DENMARK 1 Goodbye from jury in National language Those are the votes of the United States. We thank the Polish jury, and especially @rybak , for hosting this year’s contest. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Not to spoil the next post, but there are a lot of wrong predictions being made...
  7. united states Greeting from jury in National language Hello everyone, this is the United States calling. It’s a pleasure to be gathered with you all once more. Without further ado, here are the US votes. SERBIA 10 LITHUANIA 9 MALTA 8 BRAZIL 7 IRELAND 6 CANADA 5 FRANCE 4 KAZAKHSTAN 3 POLAND 2 DENMARK 1
  8. The title is rather clickbaity, but the video is really interesting and makes some interesting points about the legacy of Athens 2004.
  9. Another thing to consider with the ranking, and I could be wrong here but, is that athletes didn’t really know in advance that these events could have an impact on Olympic qualification.
  10. It’s an interesting point. Changing the ranking criteria or changing the system without holding a qualifier would also be incredibly unfair to those in position to qualify. Either way, if a direct qualifier isn’t held, it doesn’t seem the like a fair process at this point.
  11. For record, it was between b and c for me. I ultimately choose c becuase Inheritance seemed like an incorrect description of the series, since characters often didn’t in inherit their positions in society. However, if you consider the dragon selecting its rider as the rider “inheriting” the dragon, then I guess that makes sense.
  12. I kept thinking there was a yellow one too, so I’m just a dumbass. Huh...that is my worst performance in trivia ever. I can’t believe how poorly I did. Well, I’m going to go turn off all the lights in my house and cry in a dark corner real quick. My disappointment aside, thanks for the awesome game of trivia as always @Quasit. I’m going to study hard in case I ever get a third chance.
  13. For better or worse I’m going to commit to my answer. I’m near positive the Eragon books were a trilogy (one had a blue cover, one had a green cover, and then one had a red cover; each after the three dragons I believe). While there were elves, the other options just don’t sound right to me.
  14. I read all of the Eragon books in middle school. I could be wrong here, but I believe the answer is C. Inkheart Trilogy
  15. Well, I am at least a little familiar with the rules of Korean naming conventions. Park, Choi, etc. are very common names, but question is how common is In-Jeong? Also, Korea isn’t all that known for their prowess in Tennis and Diving. With that said, based of the remaining choices. China is the only that fits the bill my mind. I think I can remember a few Li Na’s. So let’s go with B. Li Na
  16. Alright, fuck it. Let’s go with D. I think I might see some Espanol there that I missed the first time.
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