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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. finally won Fed Cup, it was long overdue Kudos to , great fight! Who could thought Sabalenka and Sasnovich are ranked that low
  2. Thanks for the info! I forgot what the song was about, hence I thought it was a bit older (somehow I permuted years of Czechoslovakian and Hungarian uprising from 1956) So, my song isn't the oldest one.
  3. Maybe risky, but for me, the Open contests are about the old songs - to show how your country's music developed through ages. Next year I (if still alone representative) would go with much modern song unless I decide to nominate a unique all-girl band from Dunedin This contests was average (the first Open was probably the most quality one if I remember well, maybe 2014 edition too). People don't have to pick famous songs but I hope more people would dig deep... for instance, France is still to show us their remarkable 1960s era That would be fun statistics to do, shortest/longest ever and oldest songs entered I am not sure if it is the oldest, but definitely among the oldest songs. I think the first one entered by Czech Republic was from early 1960s if not 1950s?
  4. Who is super famous this time? Tina Maze? I am not sure about Ireland's win this time Bryan Adams? Shakira didn't win for God's sake, why would you expect Bryan Adams
  5. Who do you think is a favorite to win this time? European or non-European representative?
  6. Isn't he 80 years old already? Immortal
  7. At this edition, NZ will be happy with points matching the average score
  8. This is wonderful result for him! Even QF was enough for his ranking at this stage. Now he can play every Masters! This also means a lot more difficult, physically and mentally much more demanding matches so we'll see how is going to adjust to new circumstances. He went directly from challenger level to ATP Masters 1000 MD status. At least Sock will be more competitive in London than Busta
  9. Ah, that's the beauty I've never paid attention about countries I give points and get nothing in return or the opposite. I only know which ones have almost never got points from me
  10. Same here. And I usually get a feeling that it's actually mine that is hated Now, after series of TISC events, I can predict from whom I can expect points and can guess who won't give a single point. Same works on the other side.
  11. Calm down guys As Einstein insisted, all is relative My taste may be horrible to someone, but I can say the same for that person as well
  12. Benneteau If Sock wins, he will be eighth qualifier for ATP Finals. On one hand, I wish he plays in London instead of Busta who will be only a punching bag there; on the other hand I would love to see Krajinovic finishing his breakthrough run with style! Ajde Filipe
  13. Unbelievable I want now Benneteau to win his match so I can enjoy the final. Will be happy with either of them winning the title. Incredible tournament for Filip. This run reminds me on Janowicz in Paris few years ago. Curiously, Janowicz today qualified for another final, though it is challenger in Eckental. Filip has great coach and if he succeeds to remain uninjured, with proper work and mental preparation as well Filip can find his place inside top 20. That would be just amazing. The only thing I want for Filip is to stay healthy. I believe results will come.
  14. I would love too see Benneteau winning his first title here. That would be wonderful story. To add, he plays really beautiful tennis
  15. I agree that there is good music in 2010s as well but given the general median taste, one should dig deeper to find good music.
  16. 1980s were very very diverse so no wonder it is still the most popular decade Speaking of 1960s, Rioplatense music scene from that period was very very good!
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