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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. Coincident is that I picked both songs But they quite differ in genre. "Nature" is more psychedelic and 1960s while "Handsome Boy" is much more funky, right in the middle of 1970s and Afrofunk/Afrobeat era which was quite developed and popular in west and central Africa. Ethiopia developed very specific genre on they own, so-called ethio-jazz later. Zambia for instance went much more in "rock" genre (Zambian rock from 1970s). I both presented during TISC Song festivals. And I actually like music from 1960s and 1970s very, very, very much. Also 1980s, especially early 1980s when post-punk peaked. So, no wonder I usually vote for or pick songs from those eras
  2. At this rate Krajinovic might win the title too
  3. Uganda What is a Totallympics Song Contest without Afrobeat? I present you The Rwenzoris, band which played Kidandali music, originated in Uganda More on Kidandali music: The Rwenzoris - Handsome Boy (E Wara)
  4. Well, if I were a Saudi woman I would try to start a rebel against the fact humanoid Sofia got Saudi citizenship and yet, I still I barely can go to see a football match with my husband or let alone drive.
  5. Belgium The Honeymoon Killers were a Belgian experimental rock band originally formed in 1974 by Yvon Vromman, with J.F Jones Jacob, and Gérald Fenerberg. In its first incarnation, the band played mostly in Brussels, was arrogant and funny, and performed massacres on all musical genres, from rockabilly and punk to marching band music, French chanson and free jazz. The band's original name at the time was Les Tueurs de la lune de miel (i.e. "The Honeymoon Killers" in French). Their first album, entitled Special Manubre, was produced by Marc Moulin for his short-lived Kamikaze imprint, and came out in 1977. In 1980 the Tueurs were joined by Vincent Kenis and Marc Hollander from Aksak Maboul and completed their line-up with singer Véronique Vincent. Their album Les Tueurs De La Lune De Miel was rated "best Belgian rock album of all times" by Belgian rock magazine Mofo, and numbered among the top ten Belgian albums of all times according to Le Vif/L'Express magazine (2008). In July 2012, UK newspaper The Guardian published an article entitled "The History of Belgian Pop in 10 Songs", which featured The Honeymoon Killers' Décollage, and described the group as "a band whose combination of indie pop, jazz and African influences echoed the pioneering spirit of Talking Heads without ever lapsing into imitation". The Honeymoon Killers - Histoire à Suivre / Wait & See The picked song would be nominated by me as a "safer" choice, but my absolute favourite song from The Honeymoon Killers is the following one (I really recommend to give it a try, if you're into such a music or would like to go out from your comfort zone).
  6. K-Pop I guess it's time to have it here And I thought you might pick Switzerland. I guess Agger will go with Sweden and Dan with Australia
  7. Hmm, thought to pick something from Africa but I already covered a lot (Ghana, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Zambia, Mali, Sudan, South Africa), even went with Cambodia and I won't be repetitive (bah, we had Jamaican ska last year) so now let it be and Was thinking, could Janko Nilovic qualify as Montenegrin given his ancestry, despite being a French citizen since 1970s
  8. No, no, you can keep picking for Peru, I don't mind The song you selected is... daring
  9. You always beat me for Peru I was thinking of Yma Sumac - Goomba Boomba this time
  10. I listened to my 12-pointer thousands of times so far. Learned lyrics so fast and I even have them in description for one of my posts on IG! And yes, it is really interesting that most of us has a top favorite. Would be more funny if all of them are different songs
  11. NZ votes are in. It was a see-saw who is gonna get 11 and 10 points. I like a lot both songs. Decided to award higher points to the song I heard for the first time here. The second one I already knew. Good luck everyone
  12. It is often opposite for me; I usually have problem to find 12 songs during Annual TISC This time, there are three songs in the contest that I ABSOLUTELY love!!! Probably didn't happen since the inaugural TISC 2013. I can't wait for Grand Final to write thank-you notes to the people who nominated them There are two songs I like a lot and the one that really grew on me. These are six locks. Additionally, 7-8 will fight for the remaining points and I can say all of them are something I would be pleased to listen to from time to time.
  13. I thought the same. The song sounds very familiar to me, but I was hey, I am listening at least 10-20 songs daily so it could happened I heard it before somewhere else. Couldn't check the TISC history thread because my browser always crushes with such amount of youtube videos which is pity, I am really eager to re-listen to some of the songs. If we could have a list of the songs (no videos) somewhere where it is easy to approach I would be very happy Also, we could start writing down and make such a lists for all the selected songs for Festivals of Music
  14. The contest is getting a very nice shape. There are already few songs that will make my playlist Welcome India
  15. So far are yet to nominate their songs if I counted well Brazil, Bulgaria, Ireland and Poland are secured I believe, as well as Netherlands if one pulls @heywoodu for his ear and he remembers in last minute Chile, Germany, Malta, Morocco and Romania should be reminded perhaps
  16. Which might be good, since the aim of the Open Contest is to share some "outdated" music
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