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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Kuzmina being the idiot in the last shoot. One miss would be sure gold...
  2. As expected, women's race is being aronud 5612602310660 times more exciting than the men's. 6 athletes with a real medal chance going into the last run.
  3. Apparently Ledecka plans to qualify for RS:X event in Tokyo.
  4. Was there ever such a controversial, mixed emotions post on Totallympics?
  5. Looks like Knegt will get a penalty... I really don't like how they are giving pens for everything. It's 5 people on a tiny track, for crying out loud.
  6. Yeah, I think so too. Koreans have had a couple of days to think about how all 3 of them can go through...
  7. HSH Nora of Liechtenstein presenting the medal to Weirather.
  8. In this case this sentence is weird. Jacobsen looks literally green.
  9. Any guess from which nation is judge 7? All in vain, I'm afraid. Because highest and lowest marks are taken off.
  10. Great Britain struggling against Korea at the moment.
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