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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Doing it frame-by-frame (or as close as one can manually get)... It looks like the Irish player put his stick down first, and then the Canadian player basically stepped over it... You can see that Canadian shoe (white strip) is on an angle and above the Irish stick.
  2. Well, the large step he made after the supposed touch was pure acting imo.
  3. And the Oscar goes to... whats-his-name. Diving your way into the Olympics is indeed quite something.
  4. Canadian player threw himself on the ground just before a whistle, and they get a penalty kick.
  5. Yellow card for Ireland with 1 second to in the quarter. Genius.
  6. Korntawat Samran completed his minimum requirements aboard Uster de Chanay! Now both China and Thailand have two athletes qualified. Their fate will be decided in Pratoni (November 14-17), where China will have three attempts to complete a team (Bao, Bianba, Sun), while Thailand will have only one (Chavatanont). There is a reasonable hope for Thailand now, even if Chavatanont already failed twice at CCI4*-L level.
  7. More on the incident.
  8. Is it true though that Faf really stands for Fast as F**k?
  9. Well, on the opposite side of the spectrum, you'll find something like this.
  10. Yesterday Pau witnessed possibly the most ridiculous cross-country stop in history. James Pikney apparently lost all control over his horse, who then drifted to the right and basically attempted to jump over 3+ meters high wall!!! Thankfully, there were no serious consequences, but that horse proved himself to be ridiculously brave. Incident happens just after 2:49:00 mark.
  11. Probably because youtube was always planned as last possible streaming platform.
  12. Spare a thought for Bulgaria who will be missing TISC for the first time ever...
  13. From what I read, a deal also failed with CBC, which sounds quite astonishing. However, it's good to see that ISU very much intends to keep skating available to everyone. Apparently their youtube channel will also broadcast speed skating and short track events and championships. At least until some deal is made.
  14. ISU official youtube channel is broadcasting Grand Prix this season with no commentary... Apparently the deal with Eurovision failed, so this was a last-ditch effort to keep skating available to the masses...
  15. However, lying about your shape can actually be quite often a part of the game, in all sports.
  16. Well, if this was Vlhova's 70%, then she had the best summer of them all.
  17. Palestinians have done really well today. With an average 3rd rider, they could have been a serious threat for the South Africans. Hopefully the sport will continue to grow there.
  18. Aaaand South Africa is qualified. Somewhat disappointing 63.652% for Ferreira. Their final score will be known after Nicole Smith goes.
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