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Posts posted by MHSN

  1. ^^ OCA has this rule for a long long time, even for the summer Asian Games. actually in most events they limit the number of athletes per nation to two to avoid such situations, they did that 6 years ago in Kazakhstan I don't know why they changed it for the winter games probably because the number of athletes in some events could be too low. (for example in Kazakhstan we had only 4 skier starting the mass start event !!)


    for the summer Games I think only in Shooting, Golf and Bowling we have more than 2 athletes per nation and that's because they need that for the team event ! even in road cycling we have only 2 per team !! :p

  2. 2 minutes ago, hckosice said:


    thats just what i was thinking about when I read it :d can not understand how they managed to finish the match and not die :lol: oh man, the players must be totally wrung out already after the first match :bowdown: even in the prehistoric era of the hockey they was some 13-14 players playing


    and these are not even Ice Hockey players :d


    btw apparently they are going to barrow some players from the opposite team :p they are not serious friendlies. just having fun.


    I don't know about IIHF eligibility rules but OCA rules are clear about 3 years residency. this is probably Iranian officials fault. they probably didn't even know such rule exist since Iran rarely use such players in any sport.

    back in Incheon 2014, OCA didn't let UAE uses those Moldavian judokas they had for the same reason.

  3. 4 hours ago, Gianlu33 said:

    Iran was disqualified in the ice hockey por ineligible players. Didn't fulfill 3 year residency rules...


    to be accurate Iran was "disqualified" for not having enough players ! OCA knew the situation about those players and still gave them their ID cards for the event but later some countries apparently protested that , since Ice Hockey doesn't exist in Iran, that left Iran with only 9 eligible players ! (those are in fact inline hockey players)


    they are still in Sapporo playing according to the schedule but only their results count as friendlies ! with only 9 inline hockey players they lost 8-1 to Macau :d

  4. 9 hours ago, heywoodu said:

    To update on this: the Iranian foreign ministry has now (well, last week) said American wrestlers are welcome again, right? That's good news :)


    yes and they are already in Iran, waiting for the start of the competition tomorrow. the problem is solved at least FOR NOW.


    the competition will start tomorrow


    Group A

    Iran, Turkey, India, Mongolia

    Group B

    Russia, USA, Azerbaijan, Gerogia


    easy group for Iran, while group B is tougher. Russia is sending a 2nd/3rd tier team (still strong though) I think it will be between USA and Azerbaijan, and I expect a Iran-USA final.

  5. 12 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


    Just came to this thread to post the exact same thing.. 


    I was reading the Iranian wrestling federation had been trying a lot to get the politicians to allow the Americans to compete? I wish the politicians had some balls and would just say "Look, Trump's an asshole, but we're not going to lower ourselves to his standards, so everyone is welcome!".. 


    Yes I was expecting the same, at least based on previous news. American wrestlers are usually quite popular here and always welcomed , I'm sure even our wrestling federation didn't expect such answer from the government but apparently since yesterday they will go as "an eye for an eye" policy against Trump. yesterday USA announced Iran Archery team can't go there for the World Cup in USA (they already had their visa) on 10 February. they are saying "we didn't start this, they did"

  6. Iran will host the freestyle World Cup in two weeks, the best 8 teams from the 2016 Olympics including USA were invited to the event. but since dumbass Trump banned Iranians from entering the USA, Iran did the same. in past few days we were expecting them to make an exception for the US wrestling team but surprisingly today they said NO and US team can't enter Iran ! :(


    this is really disappointing, I won't surprise if UWW cancels the tournament since there is no time left to change the host.

  7. Terrible accident today in the heart of Tehran. :( I went to that building so many times.


    R.i.p to the victims. specially firefighters :( watching pictures of firefighters (who are supposed to be tough) crying for their friends/colleagues were really heart breaking.


    The most annoying part was those stupid people blocking roads to take pics or film with their phones so that hospital personal cant get trough with injured people. :mad:

  8. Rumors say UWW is into some revolutionary changes , if their board approves this we wlil have 3 major changes


    1. Increasing the number of weights per style to 10. still only 6 will be at the Olympics.

    2. 2 day tournaments, means semis and finals will be held on the second day

    3. Same day weigh-in !


    Specially the 3rd is a big big change, at the moment we have weight-in one day before the competition, which let wrestlers to cut huge weights. for example wrestlers at 65kg category are usually 70kg or more in the competition day.

  9. 14 hours ago, Dragon said:

    5 are

    :JAM Nesta Carter - athletics

    :RUS Vera Ganeyeva - athletics

    :TUR Adam Kileci - boxing

    and 2 unknown.


    Also semi-official is the fact that 6 more Russians will be named soon

    Possibly including

    :RUS Khadzhimurat Akkayev  - wrestling


    well there were rumors about two wrestlers Taymazov (UZB) and Fedoryshin (UKR) ! since UWW officially denied rumors about Asgarov (AZE) and didn't say anything about these two cases , they are probably more than just rumors.


    Akkaev is a weightlifter. ironically he didn't even particpate in London 2012. came to the location but withdrew in the last day because of an "injury"

  10. New list from IOC !



    :CHN Lei CAO - 2008 - Weightlifting (Women's 75kg) - Gold medal

    :CHN Xiexia CHEN - 2008 - Weightlifting (Women's 48kg) - Gold medal

    :CHN Chunhong LIU - 2008 - Weightlifting (Women's 69kg) - Gold medal

    :BLR Nadzeya OSTAPCHUK - 2008 - Athletics (Women's shot put) - Bronze medal

    :BLR Darya PCHELNIK - 2008 - Athletics (Women's hammer throw)

    :TUR Sibel SIMSEK - 2012 - Weightlifting (Women's 63kg)

    :AZE Intigam ZAIROV - 2012 - Weightlifting (Men's 94kg)

    :ARM Norayr VARDANYAN - 2012 - Weightlifting (Men's 94kg)


    if I'm not wrong IOC talked about 101 positive results in re-testing, (so far) now with this they already sanctioned 96 cases. which mean 5 more remaining.

  11. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani one of the most important persons in the history of Iran died yesterday at 82.


    He was number 2 (or maybe even the real number 1) for so many years, 30 maybe. he was a key person in 1979 revolution and that bloody 8 years Iran-Iraq war, actually the one who ended the war. so many secrets and stories die with him. for years he was the most hated person in Iran and since life is unpredictable (and so the politics in Iran) he eventually died as a "good man" and people are actually mourning for him. Good or bad, his death will be a big blow for Hassan Rohani


  12. A member of Iran Greco-Roman wrestling team in Rio Bashir Babajanzadeh (130kg) tested positive for doping and received 4 years ban from UWW but not for the Olympics but the last event before the Olympics. ! (Greco World Cup in Iran) I guess this will disqualify his result in Rio as well (even though he was terrible and lost in QF) this makes him the 2nd Iranian ever at the Olympics to get his results disqualified for a doping violation. :(


    that was a shame, considering his age and this 4 years ban we will never see him again on the mat "hopefully"

  13. I thnk they should seriously change the name of "Greco-Roman wrestling" into "Caution wrestling" or something like that. this is terrible, absolutely terrible. if they bring this into the Olympics with these rules, Greco-Roman will be out of the Olympics for sure. these rules are only good for age group or minor events, while in highest level it's really hard to score. in these 2 days most matches were decided by cautions. if you check the results you can see a lot of "1-1" or "2-1" scores. means nobody actually scored and all those points were from cautions.


    for example tonight in 3 medal round matches, 2 of them decided purely by cautions, and in the final we had only ONE takedown ! which means only one scoring technique in 3 matches, 18 minutes !!


    and obviously with rules like this, the host nation will benefit the most ! Hungary won nothing in Rio but here with two average wrestlers they finished with 1 gold and 1 bronze !! (btw UWW had to make up for them, Lorincz got robbed blatantly in Rio)

  14. We will have World Championships for non-Olympic weights starting from tomorrow, the brackets are out. tough draw for Biaboongard in Greco but it's not that bad for our Ehsanpour in freestyle. I think the level is quite good, interestingly wrestlers from the 2016 Olympics are NOT allowed to compete here.


    beside that we had World Club Championships in the same venue yesterday and today, important competition because that was the first senior tournament with these new rules in Greco-Roman. I have to admit matches are more interesting and more active because of these rules but yet we had so many matches decided by the referees !! it's hard to score in standing position in Greco in high level matches and then refs will decide the winner. I still think the forced par-terre should be a part of Greco-Roman wrestling.

  15. 17 hours ago, Dragon said:

    I'm sure this will happen sometime - but this decision will need to  be approved by the IOC before it becomes official.


    I'm sure you know better than me but if you read IOC reports they say


    The IWF is requested to modify the results of the above-mentioned event accordingly and to consider any further action within its own competence.


    Doesn't it mean that IOC will accept IWF's decision no matter what ? it's like they are saying they have done their part and it's now an IWF matter


  16. 1 hour ago, thepharoah said:

    Egypt officially awarded a bronze medal in men's -85kg in london OG after Apti Aukhadov from Russia was officially banned 


    Yeah , not only Aukhadov, they redistributed few more medals.they closed the case and officially dsiqualified few more athletes like Chinshanlo, Maneza, Podobedova and Rybakov.





  17. The mastermind of Kazakhstan Dopinglifting is now resigned ! this is his interview . you probably remember this guy "Alexey Ni" with his celebrations "Kazakhstan Number 1" !! :d


    I still can't believe how come they let Kazakhstan participate in Rio in this sport ! almost their whole squad from 2008 and 2012 failed the test and they also had a big number of positive tests from 2015 Worlds ! beside that almost their whole 2016 squad had a history of doping suspension ! you can't find a country with a doping record worse than this in any sport ! Kazakhstan is indeed "number one" but in doping.

  18. and finally Ilyin ! They disqualified 7 athletes but two of them got it twice for both 2008 and 2012 !



    :KAZ Ilya ILIN - 2008 - Weightlifting (Men's 94kg) - Gold medal

    :BLR Pavel LYZHYN - 2008 - Athletics (Men's shot put)

    :BLR Aksana MIANKOVA - 2008 - Athletics (Women's hammer throw) - Gold medal

    :BLR Natallia MIKHNEVICH - 2008 - Athletics (Women's shot put) - Silver medal

    :BLR Sviatlana USOVICH - 2008 - Athletics (Women's 800m)

    :KAZ Ilya ILIN - 2012 - Weightlifting (Men's 94kg) - Gold medal

    :BLR Aksana MIANKOVA - 2012 - Athletics (Women's hammer throw)

    :AZE Boyanka KOSTOVA - 2012 - Weightlifting (Women's 58kg)

    :BLR Nastassia MIRONCHYK-IVANOVA - 2012 - Athletics (Women's long jump)

  19. 6 hours ago, DaniSRB said:

    news from today say that he is disqualified from 2008 and 2012


    :yes I wonder when IOC will announce it officially.


    with Ilyin's suspension we most probably will have our 5th gold medal (13th medal overall) from London 2012 !!! I think London 2012 will remain our best Olympic ever for a while ! maybe ever. hard to match those results with current financial issues.

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