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Posts posted by Adriano

  1. As I thought Safranova and Krohn it is not a big plus for our team nowadays. For now polish team - 1. Szulc / Breakdance 2. Magdalena Jura / RON(this pair is getting higher results than 2022) 3. Marta Sobierajska/Ultrablue.  Unfortunately Zaneta Skowrońska-Kozubik/Romantic P did not start here (she was on startlist). I am still waiting for Stremler (nice debiut in Ankun in Germany). For me Lithuania is clear favourite. We will see next results.

    Screenshot_20230408_170534_Samsung Internet.jpg

  2. 7 minutes ago, Vektor said:

    Hungarians like the EU, it gave them open borders and it helped the economy. What they don't like is how it's mainly controlled by the Western members. They don't want Orbán to leave the EU, they want Orbán to control what direction the EU takes as much as he possibly can. The ultimate dream of Orbán is to turn the EU into a decentralized economical union of authoritarian states who play both sides, be a buffer between the US and China instead of closely allied to one side. 

    Thanks for your opinion. For me dream of Orban is leave EU and made Hungary more controlled by Fidesz without problems with EU.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vektor said:

    We blame communists, not Russia, for what transpired here during the Cold War, and those communists are gone from Russia, therefore there's nothing to be angry at them. And on top of that Hungarian nationalism is fueled by revisionism and anti-globalistic sentiments, and they see Russia as one of the last European bastions of true nationalistic values that want to restore Europe as it was before it became a "colony of the US". Trianon is the biggest national tragedy this country suffered in 1000 years and that was mostly inflicted by the West, so I very much doubt that Hungary will ever view them as close of an ally as Poland. 


    So yeah, the moment that war broke out, I had no doubt in my mind that Hungarian society won't be anywhere near as pro-Ukrainian as the rest of Europe. It's on par for course of how Hungary views the rest of the world.  

    Poland was attacked by Russia and Germany, we have more tragic history and I think polish - hungarian fraternity is a myth. From Poland we are seeing this hungarian - russian or serbian-russian fraternity. Your country has a problem nowadays to say "no" to cruel Russia. Even we have a hard story with Ukraine our country stay strong for this country. England and France refused help us during IIWW.  We are probably next aim for them (in their imagination). Even in sport where you have a strong voice like fencing you are far away from blocked this change. You blocked some sanctions also. I do not know why you are still in EU if you are pro russian. Nearly half of voters in your country chose this far right wing and government who are closw to Russia.  And yes Trianon was cruel decision, but it was beacuse of the war - and the areas  was given for biggest minorities. Next Hungary tried to retake this, and was near Nazo site. So next time you chose bad side, probably. It's  only sport and Hungary has a problem to say no to Russia. That's  sad. And even more sad if the more Hungarian think about Ukraine-Russian war this way. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Vektor said:

    Will FIE withdraw fencing from the European Games in that case? I mean, it's one thing to cancel a World Cup event or even move the ECh to a different country, but this time the ECh is part of the European Games, so... yeah. This is really fucked.


    I guess get ready for a lot more fencing world cup events in Hungary next season, we are the one top European fencing nation who won't complain at all about the Russian participation. 

    And it's  a shame for your nation for being on Russian site ;(

  5. Lithuania is on the way to take this quota. But after Samorin we will see the level of riders apart Szulc/Breakdance like Jura and Skowrońska or Krohn. Safronova is out of competition in Budapest. We are still waiting for Stremler and her new horse in counted event. I had info she will start before Budapest.

  6. 29 minutes ago, dcro said:

    :GER Susanne Krohn has declared for Poland. :BLR refugee Olga Safronova did too.


    Looks like Poland is turning every stone in an attempt to claim the Group C team quota in dressage. It's set to be quite a battle between :HUN :LTU :POL as it stands!

    In our press it was said that we have a problem with Safronova, because she need a time for changing country. She probably miss event in Budapest. We are trying to change this, because she is a refugee.

  7. 56 minutes ago, dcro said:

    Wow that is a massive PB for Katinaite. :yikes:


    As long as she is able to keep that form, and assuming Sandra Sysojeva continues the good work of last season, Lithuania should be the main favorite for the Group C team quota as of now.

    Totally agree. But it is good that Szulc has better score from Katinaite from level 4 judge. Today is a Grand Prix Special and next Freeetyle. She can earn MER there?

  8. 30 minut temu Benolympique powiedział:

    :BLR :RUS autorizowane dla parafii 2024 r.


    Międzynarodowa Federacja ogrodzenia sfformalizowała w ten piątek przywrócenie rosyjskich i białoruskich sportowców w konkursie od 3 kwietnia 2023 roku, daty rozpoczęcia okresu kwalifikacji olimpijskich na igrzyska w Paryżu 2024 roku. Fencing to pierwszy sport olimpijski aby dokonać tego wyboru.


    https://wwww. lequipe. fr/Escrime/Actualites/L-escrime-acte-le-retour-des-russes-et-bielorusses-en-competition/1385102

    What a shame.

  9. So, before this,  I took tennis for 29 july and on 31 july beach volleyball. It was my must have. But... I am going with my friend, She likes athletics,  fencing and etc. So our choices are finals for wrestling  (6 august), canoe slalom  (8 august) and womens voleyball (1 august). I am happy it is a chance for seeing polish medal in women's K4.  I still miss men's voleyball.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, rybak said:

    Even if we will qualify to final I dont believe for nothing but strong 26th place


    Edit. 11th Place in odds now, at this rate we will be out of top20 before midnight and even shameful song from Croatia will ranked higher

    Guys you know the apps where we can have our private scoreboard. Sometimes I see this on twitter or somewhere else.

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