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Posts posted by Adriano

  1. 4 minutes ago, Bearas said:

    Why is everyone booing that man? (don't really know who he is...)

    He is an unpopular ministry in Poland, he waste much money on organising election during pandemic.. And etc. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I prefer to hear songs from the host culture anyway, so it’s okay. 

    We have some international  DJ's. Cugowski is fantastic during live performance, this song has a powerful meaning. But other live... I feel ashamed of this. Should be party for the athletes here.

  3. Just now, hckošice said:

    ah I knew the Pope will be there at one point for sure :lol:

    Mixed feeling about this. But this region was connected with him. He was important pope for Poland and many people knows him around the world. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

    But 1450-1700 was the Golden Age of Poland when they regularly won wars & seized territory from all the neighbou…..yeah, on second thoughts, perhaps best not.  :offtopic:

    You know about polish -sweden wars?

  5. You must know that in Warsaw probably this event will be more International. It was so easy to predict to be more folkloric / regional in this part. Many foreigners love Cracow and the peace from this city. Me also (I live in Warsaw). Cracow is my favourite polish city.

  6. 1 minute ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Three European Games, three different versions of history by float, parade, or kaleidoscope :cool:


    Athens 2004 still holding some influence over the continent.

    I really like this OG. My first summer OG.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

    Very quick jump from 1450-1919 there.

    You want to hear about second world war and poor UK and France during that time, countries without honoru, countries who leave us with Nazi German alone?

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