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Posts posted by Adriano

  1. On 2/3/2023 at 6:39 PM, Monzanator said:

    Ah yes, the Law & Justice ministers getting some love from 'democratic' entries all of the sudden :p


    I've said this before, Poland will NOT boycott the 2024 SOG even if Russia/Belarus athletes compete as neutrals. This is a weak bluff with jack high. Everyone here knows it and no Polish politician will die on this hill when the chips are down. The intense backlash over the 1984 boycott that ultimately led to nothing is still very much alive in Polish memory.

    Our nation should make a boycott. We know how russian #hospitality works. And it is so sad how even ordinary Serbian use the situation in Ukraine for Kosovi thread and not only. And they are now the best friend for Russia. Are you sure that so much people wants to.join to Russia? In this way even in Lvov people will chose joint, because referendum was a joke. 

  2. Ciężko  będzie  kogoś w skokach do wody wrzucić.  Z jeździectwa myślę,  że szanse mamy  i na trzy drużyny  - pytanie jak do tego się przygotowaliśmy.  Na pewno liczę na WKKW - choć nie mamy Spisaka. Choć bardzo pragnę siatkarki zobaczyć,  to jednak ciężko będzie.  Ja ich w głowie nie liczę. Boks obstawiam dwie panie,  bo zawody u nas. Torowe wydaje się bardzo optymistyczne. W szermierce są  szanse na trzy ekipy, jednak nie widzę tam męskiej drużyny.

  3. On 1/17/2023 at 1:22 PM, dcro said:

    Looks like for this Olympic cycle they do not count any of the indoor events. Interesting.


    It's a little shame, because it's nearly impossible to organise outdoor events in Europe in november / december - so european riders must gain as much as possible points in april-october. Poor decision for Europe.

  4. On 12/15/2022 at 4:48 PM, dcro said:

    And finally the eventing calendar. Qualifying Events Eventing Calendar 2023_V1.pdf


    A lot of events in South America this time (but curiously no Brazil) and a lot in South Africa too... Hopes are high.


    Watch out for Bulgaria snatching the quota in Romanian events. They have a promising rider coming through ranks.

    It's possible to obtain ranking olympics points in events beyond this list?

  5. I leave arena 10 min before the end. What's the shame. It was hard to watch thism Warstw of money. Bye Olympics😭. Congratulation Slovenia. But still my handball heart with France 🇨🇵But I will be in Lublana in March, so IT will be nice to see your country hah

  6. 47 minutes ago, Benolympique said:

    coming from italy.  it's not surprising.. you constantly criticize France.. it's distressing.

    Where is Italy in football now? Oh, you were eliminated. World still remember Matterazzi

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