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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. I hate that system. Considering nearly all of the participants are in the individual what real effect does holding both have.
  2. Neither of those are even on Wiki which shows how disinterested people are. I do feel through a big scandal in football will come this decade - not sure what Country through.
  3. Neither of those are even on Wiki which shows how disinterested people are. I do feel through a big scandal in football will come this decade - not sure what Country through.
  4. I suspect with footballers the clubs don’t actually tell the players what they doping them with. Too many Footballers are too stupid to be able to be trusted to keep doping secret forever more.
  5. I suspect with footballers the clubs don’t actually tell the players what they doping them with. Too many Footballers are too stupid to be able to be trusted to keep doping secret forever more.
  6. Some interesting articles which tells us what Ujah’s defence is going to ( almost certainly going to fail) be.
  7. I mean in many of sports doping might give a bit of strength advantage but you still need to very talanted to stand a chance - you can’t go like Michelle Smith and go from obscurity to multiple champion in many sports just by doping.
  8. And everyone in the UK suspects Sky sold up due to the doping stories affecting their reputation. Considering Ineos as a company are not overtly popular further doping stories (and actual stories relating to current activities and not just speculation or rumours without some evidence) could be very damaging to them. Through the British Press care less now as they now fully spereate from the Manchester based team and UKAD have less jurisdiction over them
  9. That will surely change now they have won it twice on the trot and it’s another way to help promote their image to a section of society more educated and wealthy than a lot of football fans.
  10. If Germany had a similar swimmer or athlete would the German press be outright suspicious without any even circumstantial evidence other than data.
  11. That is starting to change through- the shadow of WW2 is not going to blunt nationalism for evermore.
  12. I wonder if the German public will eventually demand to see improvements in Olympic performance. They certainly seemed a lot of hype for the golds won.
  13. Why the stepplechase ? That seems to be full of runners testing positive.
  14. Surely UAE team are even richer being they state funded by an oil rich state. And Arab nations like to get sporting success by spend spend spend.
  15. As a single Olympic final level rower from outside of Russia tested positive in the last five years?
  16. Do you’d think she is clean then. She worked with Salazar and everyone else who has worked with him like Farrah and Hasan are seen as deeply suspect,
  17. True but Surely every team in cycling is suspect. Ineos are not popular in the UK anymore at all - the main elite sporting press hate them (and the tabloid readers don’t like cyclists full stop)
  18. GB rise in swimming is not notably massive in the grand scale of things.
  19. Funding must be at least partly to blame. France has suffered a similar fate.
  20. So she was still tempted then - does she plain to do so once Covid has passed ?
  21. The UK doesn’t win that many track medals. And What’s your view on Konstanze Klosterhalfen ?
  22. The British press are not exactly noted for not reporting on Farah or Radcliffe. The main documentary in Salazar was produced by the BBC.
  23. And other than cycling most of the increase is in a select few sports when funding and full time training is proven to make a lot of the difference and doping is not likely to be effective.
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