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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Is he that low key ? Even Michael Johnson is only on British TV. Mihambo is working with him which is suspicious as well.
  2. Will they be able to get it past the public where the Olympics has taken a brand battering due to these past games. Not sure they will Also in terms of ratings I think IOC might well push for SLC for 2030 to try the Winter Olympics ratings well again in the USA.
  3. Mine and your countries would be banned for sure. Christie and Chambers for GB and numerous for Greece.
  4. I actually do wonder if his defence will end up being he was set up because he is a Brit.
  5. I will be surprised if Japan bids for 2030 even with the IOC reputation improving slightly during the games. Looks like Barcelona’s bid is a non starter.
  6. Yet the BBC were going heavy on him tweeting about the USA relay flop. Michal Johnson did not look happy and admitted him and Carl Lewis very rarely agree. The rumour has always been that it might have went higher and they were threats to boycott Seoul if Americans got caught and exposed.
  7. I think it’s possible for 2036 and afterwards for sports to be dropped to fit new ones in. Even in 2028 and 2032 there is talk of cricket and netball being added - where are the quotas for them coming from?
  8. I wonder if Jacobs has been poorly advised and should have gone all out with saying how he is injured. It could help his reputation even more in Italy as him getting injured while taking his country to gold would be forever remembered.
  9. If the Taliban capture Kabul and therefore the Government of Afghanistan will they be barred from the Games as they were last time they were in control of the country?
  10. To not run the rest of the season makes me think he knows he won’t be caught back home and would be protected by some form of corrupt national doping agency. Athletes times don’t normally drop that quickly if he didn’t actually dope for the rest of the year.
  11. That entire USA team were probably all doping. The other two big names well Jackie was related to her and Carl has been accused many times.
  12. Also Matt Lawton of the Times liked a tweet implying Jacobs is doping after the news about Ujah testing positive broke. I feel like the Times is not going to stop digging on that
  13. Has the procedure for Positive doping tests changed? I always thought the B sample was tested as well before anyone was named publically. The BBC are saying the B sample has not yet been tested.
  14. His coach btw is coach of a few other GB Athletes so we could get further developments.
  16. The Canadian media are still dealing with the shadow of Ben Johnson in Seoul 1988 to point the finger at others in the sprinting world.
  17. Wouldn’t be shocked to see even further changes after the likely British DQ. The 2017 worlds resting will be fun. After GB is a team featuring Gatlin and Coleman.
  18. Wouldn’t be shocked to see even further changes after the likely British DQ
  19. I presume then even CJ didn’t know until after then he had tested positive. he would have been tested on Friday after the race, No mention of tests from earlier in the games and if they were also positive or negative. I wonder if he will seek to use a contamination or poisoning defence - it seems to be the go to defence in Athletics atm.
  20. None of them would properly work for women and to do so would have to be the end of a lengthy process which starts with the junior ranks first.
  21. I am going to put a bet on no GB medals in Athletics at either of the two upcoming worlds or at the 2024 Olympics - it feels like it’s got to happen some day.
  22. Marcell Jacobs has announced he's not racing again this year.
  23. How much notice do other athletes get of teammates testing positive - I presume p not much as Zhanell Hughes was on Instagram less than a hour ago posting pics which I really doubt he would do if he knew what was about to be announced.
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