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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Details within the article reveal Jacobs was the only member of the 100m field not part of the AIU’s elite testing field (I am surprised Adegoke was)
  2. I am surprised they have never swapped the 4x100 with the 4x400 as the sprint relay feels a better end in terms of the fact the 100m runners are usually more famous and the bigger names.
  3. Looks like the Olympics is rating pretty well in Australia.
  4. I’m here, I am a natural pessimist - it gets me through life.
  5. Remember the American media itself only cares about total medals.
  6. It should have been them with the song Sweet Caroline. The good times really have never been so good for them.
  7. Italy should bid for the world athletics championships.
  8. I think with relays they should introduce a rule that says all appeals must be done within say 10-15 mins and after that the result is official no matter what.
  9. They said she went from 51. Something to her semi performance in a year. Obviously they wrong then.
  10. I might have misunderstood them but to me it felt like the BBC commentators are a bit skeptical of Paulino’s improvement.
  11. Also why is there a 35 minute gap from the end of the 1500m before the relays begin. That feels unusually long.
  12. Looking more and more like the London Stadium will lose its Athletics track within the next few years - So the Diamond league will permanently cease to have a meet in London.
  13. France will end with less medals this games than Rio which is not the usual trajectory for the next host.
  14. I am liking all the Men and Women Multi-eventers all together at celebrating and commiserating.
  15. Great for Holly Bradshaw to finally win a major medal as she has always been there but never quite made a major podium.
  16. To be fair everyone in Athletics should hate Russia.
  17. It will bring him a ton of BBC and British press criticism
  18. Greg Rutherford asking about how it is in the GB camp to the 4x 400m quartet and then saying let’s hope we get a medal says everything about how the camp is at the moment. So far the BBC haven’t really mentioned the rumours of infighting and tensions and the desperation for more medal that appear to exists. Only mentions on the BBC of are fears that Covid has reduced relay bonding time.
  19. I can see Holly Bradshaw managing to get fourth with Siderova on the podium and the aftermath being all about ROC athletes,
  20. I doubt any 1980’s record will be beaten this decade - even Flo Jo’s that ETH came close to this time.
  21. Greg Rutherford has predicted Holly Bradshaw will win a medal in the pole vault. Hopefully not the kiss of death.
  22. They DQ Jane Savile in 2000 while she was leading in her home city. And Tom Bosworth got DQ at home in London when they were whispers of medal potential
  23. I’ve just notice that France is medalness in Athletics and Mayer is their only real solid chance left. Another team that has collapsed in form like GB.
  24. The BBC live feed is once again full of comments angry at the officiating in track cycling. Starting to become an issue here in th Uak for the reputation of the entire sport.
  25. UK sport have been looking for a opportunity to de fund British Cycling - the public here in the UK are seeing the Track Cycling as sudden flop so that will be the excuse needed to cut funding heavily.
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