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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Probably removed entirely. Even the successful sports are preparing for cuts particularly if the narrative of the entire games is a big decrease in medals. There needs to be golds in the primetime sports of swimming and Athletics and I’m not sure either will produce a gold.
  2. I do wonder if she will she retire unless she is aiming for LA. British cycling have never cared that much about anything but the Olympics.
  3. Is Devynne Charlton DSD? She looks more like a man than many of the men.
  4. Muir, Kerr, Reekie and Caudrey. The first two will get the biggest hype.
  5. Surprisingly little chat this morning. Suspect they will be more chat tonight but with no big name Brit tonight they won’t be quite as much as usual.
  6. Also holding it in September limits what stadiums can be used. Anything that has a regular football club there like the London Stadium can no longer apply.
  7. Taking a big risk giving it to China a by 2027 America will likely be in total boycott China mode (I fully expect China to be denied entry to LA 2028 with the IOC having to decide between allowing it or cancelling the games).
  8. Guy Leamouth has given an interview about his non selection and Neil Gourley is now on social media supporting him and defending him. And also saying the Aussie committee are unfairly keeping out Jack Anstey as well.
  9. Are the world indoors in threat of being axed with such tiny teams?
  10. Guy Leamouth now retweeting this and saying on instagram the appeal deadline was the same day British Athletics declined the invitation.
  11. Guy Learmouth calling out British Athletics for refusing to let him take part at the World Athletics.
  12. Guy Learmouth calling out British Athletics for refusing to let him take part at the World Athletics.
  13. I wonder how much longer governing bodies will allow NOC’s discretion before they try and move towards centralising selection rules
  15. I do wonder if we going to start losing athletes who have dual nationality to other countries because of some of the selection policies in some of the sports.
  16. I think era of doing well in swimming will end soon. Because of the funding issues 4-5 medals or more is needed in Paris and I am not sure that is coming. Being in primetime will add the pressure as well (Same for Athletics) - a shame for swimming that the finals in 2016 and 2021 were in the middle of the night UK time.
  17. Not impossible WW3 starts by the times games happen or is the last summer games before the world splits into two.
  19. Chelsea star Mykhailo Mudryk is one of 192 sportspeople from Ukraine who have called on French President Emmanuel Macron to ban Russian athletes from the Paris Olympics. Ukraine are boycotting if it’s not accepted.
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